Door Closers

WWYD: Help Wanted

I answer A LOT of questions every day, and I love doing it.  I'm so glad to be able to provide this resource for our staff and customers, and anyone else who comes across my site.  But sometimes I get questions that I don't have a good answer for, and that's where you come in.  Please leave a comment if you have any insight on ANY of these questions...

WWYD? High Winds

Many of us have experienced a project where the doors were subjected to unexpected wind loads, causing problems with the hardware and the operation of the door.  I'm not talking about the occasional wind that comes with a hurricane, tornado, or tropical storm - I mean the everyday wind gusts due to the building location or other factors.

By |2013-05-01T19:21:01-04:00April 3rd, 2013|Door Closers, WWYD?|16 Comments

Happy Holidays

For the last 8 years, I have coordinated a holiday gift drive along with my coworkers, family, and friends for the residents of our local family shelter and other families in need.  This year we provided gifts for 75 kids and parents!  When I went to the shelter with a load to drop off, I saw the sign below.  I asked the director if they had a close call and she said, with a very grave look in her eyes, "more than one."

By |2013-12-04T23:49:42-05:00December 14th, 2012|Door Closers, Videos|5 Comments

WW: Uncoordinated

The good news...I'm on my way to Las Vegas for CoNEXTions 2012!  The bad news...our flight lost a hydraulic system and we had to land in Denver.  There's a replacement plane but it is larger and requires an extra flight attendant, who had to be called in from home.  I'm sure he's not a happy camper right now.  I will get there eventually, but while I'm waiting, here's another photo that left me Wordless.

By |2012-10-17T01:53:29-04:00October 17th, 2012|Door Closers, Wordless Wednesday|9 Comments

Universal Studios Orlando

When I was in Florida a couple of weeks ago for the IAPSC conference, it also happened to be school vacation week so I brought the kids along for a visit to my parents' house.  They all survived while I was in Miami Beach, so when I got back from the conference I took them to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure in Orlando.  One of our Florida specwriters, Steve King, had written the hardware spec for the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and I couldn't pass up the chance to check it out.

WWYD? Concealed Closers at the Peabody Opera House

I recently received an email from Steve Needy, who maintains the beautiful and recently-renovated Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.  During the renovation, many of the original (1932) LCN 206 concealed closers were rebuilt and reinstalled.  Steve's problem was that the spring power made some of the doors difficult for some visitors to open, particularly the restroom doors.  Steve asked me how to adjust the closers or if that was even possible.

By |2012-04-24T10:31:37-04:00April 23rd, 2012|Beautiful Doors, Door Closers, WWYD?|26 Comments

Battleship Cove – Fall River, Massachusetts

Whenever we're on a family road trip, we try to find cool places to stop along the way to break up the ride.  Today we went to Battleship Cove, the world's largest historic naval ship exhibit.  The museum is home to the destroyer USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., the USS Lionfish submarine, the battleship USS Massachusetts, and several other vehicles.  It's really an amazing place, and the kids loved looking at all the different rooms, many of which were set up as they would have been while the ships were occupied.

By |2013-02-08T23:32:19-05:00February 22nd, 2012|Door Closers, Locks & Keys, Means of Egress, Road Trips|0 Comments

LCN Digital Calendar Page – January 2012

When I first started working for the New England agency representing LCN back in 1994 (MPS Sales), LCN used to print an annual calendar showing their door closers in action.  Well, I don't know about you but it has been quite a few years since I have hung a calendar on the wall, and printed promotional calendars seem to have gone out of vogue.  I miss looking at the photos on those old LCN calendars though.

By |2013-02-08T23:51:13-05:00January 5th, 2012|Door Closers|1 Comment

More Museum Hardware

Last weekend I put together the annual family photo album so I could order copies for the grandparents.  Mixed in with all of the vacation photos were a ton of doors.  Someday my grown-up kids will be on the psychiatrist's couch..."My mother always took us places just so she could look for interesting doors...I'm scarred for life." :-)

By |2012-01-27T21:57:03-05:00December 2nd, 2011|Door Closers, Doors Gone Wrong, Panic Hardware|7 Comments

Closers for Arched Doors

You don't see a whole lot of arched doors on new construction these days, but I think we probably have more than our fair share of beautiful old arched doors in the Northeast.  Over the years I've had quite a few calls about how to retrofit new hardware onto existing arched doors, and the trickiest part is the closer.  A floor closer would work well, but it's often difficult or impossible to install a floor closer on an existing door because of the required floor preparation.

By |2013-09-29T19:28:49-04:00October 3rd, 2011|Door Closers|16 Comments

Back to School!

Call me crazy, but this is one of my favorite days of the year - the first day of school.  The summer is just too chaotic for me, with kids going every which way to various camps and activities - I need more structure in my life!  So needless to say, I'm a happy camper today.  I'm even happier because it was announced yesterday that this blog, my 4th baby, won the Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies President's Award in the Leadership category.  WOOHOO!  Thanks to all of you for visiting regularly and interacting with me.  That's what blogging and social media are all about!

By |2012-01-27T21:57:06-05:00August 30th, 2011|Door Closers|10 Comments

Today’s the big day!

A couple of weeks ago I told you about the significance of August 1st - it's my birthday (big deal), and also the day that the features of the LCN 4040XP are incorporated into the standard 4040 closer (BIG DEAL!).  Every 4040 closer ordered from today forward will be shipped as a 4040XP - with the larger and stronger pinion, bigger bearings, and stronger teeth geometry.  If you have questions about the changes, check out this FAQ document.

By |2015-11-11T10:33:12-05:00August 1st, 2011|Door Closers, Videos|18 Comments

INNadequate Closer (& More!)

I spent last weekend in Stowe, Vermont with one of my BFFs and we stayed at an "inn," which seems to mean bigger than a bed and breakfast but not as modern as a hotel.  As my friend said, "I got the keys...they're real keys - how quaint!"  I won't get into how the lock on our room had to be unlocked with the thumbturn before you could turn the knob for egress, but I will share the completely inadequate mini-closer on the exterior door adjacent to our room.  The door never closed and latched, and the kitchen staff hung out on the landing smoking butts (not the hinge kind).  Good thing we had the high-security privacy chain on our room door.

By |2012-01-27T21:57:29-05:00July 26th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Door Closers, Doors & Frames|5 Comments


Picture this. You wait by the mailbox for your brand spanking new iPad 2 to arrive. You carefully open the box and breathe in the intoxicating scent of Apple, then plug in the cable, sync your iPad with your iTunes account, and settle back to watch a movie. A few minutes into Despicable Me, the screen goes black. AAHH!!! You pack up your iPad, take it to the Apple store, and find out that it's not an Apple iPad after all - it's a KNOCKOFF!!!

By |2016-09-11T22:42:01-04:00July 22nd, 2011|Door Closers|7 Comments

Closing Speed & Delayed Action

Back in the early 90's when the ADA was the newest focus of the door and hardware industry, delayed action closers were often specified and installed due to the assumption that they were required by the accessibility standards.  Delayed action is a feature available on many door closers, which delays the closing cycle for up to a minute (or more depending on the manufacturer) from the maximum degree of opening to approximately 70 degrees.  The delay is controlled by an additional valve which slows the flow of fluid for that initial period in the closing cycle.  This feature can be helpful in some applications, but it is not required by code.  The other segments of the closing cycle, the main speed and the latch speed, are also controlled by valves (see diagram below).

By |2014-11-03T15:07:01-05:00July 19th, 2011|Accessibility, Door Closers|0 Comments

Doors in Pockets (not Pocket Doors)

Every time I specify hardware for a door that swings into a pocket, a little alarm sounds in my head because at least 50% of the time there will be a problem that urgently needs to be fixed at the end of the job.  This application requires coordination between the architect designing the pocket, the contractor building the pocket, and the distributor supplying the doors and hardware, and that's a lot harder than it sounds.  The other problem is that when one pair on a project goes south, in most cases ALL of the pairs are a problem.

By |2013-12-04T23:51:34-05:00June 23rd, 2011|Door Closers, Doors & Frames, Fire Doors|7 Comments

The National Zoo

On our way home we had great weather while we were in the DC area, so we decided to stop at the zoo and let the kids get some of the crazies out.  The lions were my favorite...a pride of 2 lionesses, 1 lion, and 7 cubs - just gorgeous.  I could have watched them all day.  At one point a lioness went to the door and I thought maybe she could smell food or hear someone making preparations.  Apparently big cats can open doors, because the knob had a shield around it.  The door in the tiger exhibit was the same, except that the tigers must be more impatient because instead of waiting and watching they're trying to dig their way in (see below).

By |2012-01-27T21:58:10-05:00April 24th, 2011|Door Closers, Road Trips|0 Comments

The Door Closer Fairy Was Here

I have to admit, I visit the local frozen yogurt joint so often that the owners ask me if I want "the usual."  Hey - it's YOGURT...practically health food!  I wasn't sure how I'd be able to make it through their winter break - about 2 months.  I survived, but the closer on their entrance door didn't.  It lost all of its fluid and started looking for fingers to lop off.

By |2014-11-08T11:19:56-05:00March 7th, 2011|Accessibility, Door Closers|13 Comments
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