The latest post in my series on the pieces and parts that make up a door assembly addresses a wire found in a hollow metal hinge preparation. Do you know what it’s for?
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Today’s Quick Question is a good one: Are “special” hinges like swing clear, wide throw, raised barrel, etc., acceptable for use on fire door assembles?
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These Fixed-it Friday photos were taken in a school…the extra strikes are intended to address the extra clearance and allow the latch to engage. Does anyone see the problem?
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Mark Kuhn’s latest post addresses an issue that I wrote about a while back…it’s been 10 years since my original post, so I guess it’s time to take a fresh look. 😀
Back in 2019 I visited the Vatican, but I didn’t come across the door in today’s Wordless Wednesday photo. Luckily, Greg Muir saw it and Deputy Jeff Tock of Allegion sent me Greg’s photo.
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Today’s Quick Question: If the permitted mounting height for operable hardware is between 34 inches and 48 inches above the floor, does this range also apply to fire exit hardware?
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I recently shared some photos of aluminum doors with magnetic holders, and some eagle-eyed iDigHardware readers asked why the doors were automatic-closing doors…
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The focus of yesterday’s “What’s that?” post was the electric power transfer (EPT), but several of you noted the magnetic holder, hence today’s Fixed-it Friday post.
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The idea for today’s post actually came from a question I received about the standard mounting location for an EPT. Do you know where to find answers to questions like this?
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