WW: Secret Doors
I'm getting all kinds of ideas for secret doors in my own house! Check out this Wordless Wednesday reel, and if you have seen any secret doors, send them along!
I'm getting all kinds of ideas for secret doors in my own house! Check out this Wordless Wednesday reel, and if you have seen any secret doors, send them along!
It has been a while since I've written about sleeping with your bedroom door closed...in today's Wordless Wednesday post, check out a video from the Macon-Bibb County Fire Department.
The inability to maintain clear egress routes in retail occupancies crosses international borders. I saw this example in Tlalpujahua, a Pueblo Mágico in Mexico that is known for its hand-painted Christmas ornaments.
This door was in an AirBNB that I recently booked in Mexico City. At this point it's kind of hard to actually leave me wordless, but this one was a real shocker.
Today's Wordless Wednesday photo illustrates a measure taken by a high rise hotel to deter houseless people from accessing the alcoves at the secondary entrances. WWYD?
Imagine the person who placed an emergency call to their locksmith because their door wouldn't latch, only to find that their new holiday wreath was the problem!
Jeff Hoyt of Cheney Door Company sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photos, taken in a retail store specializing in fancy cheeses. Cheese is one of my favorite things, but their exit needs attention!
When classroom barricade devices were introduced, I felt confident that the codes developed over the last 100+ years would continue to protect building occupants. I was (partially) wrong.
The increased focus on code compliance of door openings improves the safety of building occupants, so thank you for your attention and the willingness to share your experience. I'm thankful for you!
I had a tough time deciding whether to post today's door closer photos for Wordless Wednesday or for Fixed-it Friday, but I'm definitely wordless! What do you think?
I received today's Wordless Wednesday photos from a retired AHJ...what can I say?? Sports facilities tend to have problems with security vs. egress, and sometimes come up with solutions like this.
Jamie Lyn Callahan of Allegion sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photos, taken during a kids' birthday party at an indoor playground. This door makes for a great "teachable moment."
Today's Wordless Wednesday photo, taken of a pair of fire doors in a wastewater treatment pump station and sent to me by Macan Deve Engineers, is a classic!
Last week I shared some photos of a coordinator bracket, and several eagle-eyed readers pointed out the wall covering on the doors. You're right - these fire doors have some issues.
Between the BHMA fall meeting and the DHI ConNextions conference I spent a weekend in the Southwest, and the landscape in that part of the country is enough to leave anyone Wordless!
When I am in an unfamiliar place, I ALWAYS look for the nearest exit in case of an emergency. I'm in Las Vegas and the show venues vary widely in all ways, including the egress routes.
In many of the countries I've visited outside of the US and Canada it's very unusual to see obvious indications of attention paid to egress. These doors left me wordless in a positive way!
Paul Timm of Allegion sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo, taken in a school. Unsecured spaces like this can turn into big problems - especially when there are kids involved.
I received today's Wordless Wednesday photo from Brad Miller of Lowcountry Doors and Hardware. Antique shops have to be one of the worst places to look for code-compliant exits!
Back in 2019 I visited the Vatican, but I didn't come across the door in today's Wordless Wednesday photo. Luckily, Greg Muir saw it and Deputy Jeff Tock of Allegion sent me Greg's photo.
An iDigHardware reader needs some help identifying the panic hardware in today's Wordless Wednesday photos. If he can find the parts he needs, the doors won't have to be secured with chains!
Lee Frazier of Allegion sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo taken in a health care facility, and I immediately thought, "Yes...this is a teachable moment."
Big boxes (and some other stuff) blocking the means of egress...that is. Tim Weller of Allegion sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photos, which require no explanation.
When I saw this photo posted by Orin Alford on the Access Control Professionals Facebook page, I knew I had to share it for Wordless Wednesday, with permission of course.
Take a look at today's Wordless Wednesday photos from Colin Watson of Allegion, and tell me (in the comments) what's wrong with this installation.
Now that my kids are adults, they are sick and tired of my "teachable moments," but I can't let an opportunity pass! Today's post is another lesson in turn buttons...
Last week, I got stuck in the great software debacle that affected most airlines and had me "sleeping" on a cot in the airport, next to a lady traveling with her very unhappy cat...
Today's Wordless Wednesday photo was sent to me by Daryl Benish of TMP Architecture. This is a great reminder that no matter how hard we try, it's impossible to control what happens in the field.
Last week on a family trip we saw THE MOST AMAZING gigantic church, which was enough to leave me #wordless since it's located in a town with less than 400 residents...but THE DOORS!!!
I know it's July and probably not snowing where you are, but Deviant Ollam recently sent me these photos taken by Harrison Sobczyk, and I'm Wordless!
Today's Wordless Wednesday photos show the main entrance of a gym that is open 24 hours/day, where there is no staff present. The question is...how do members exit after their workout?
I saw a video of some amazing hollow metal work posted on social media, and I was Wordless! I asked Brian Lavallee of Doors by LAVA if I could share it here, and he said yes!
Today I am Wordless in a positive way, about this photo that was sent to me by John Lozano of Allegion. It was taken in a high school. What do you think?
One of the things I absolutely love the most about iDigHardware is that it keeps me connected to people from throughout my career - I've been at this a long time!
Brian Messina of Kamco Supply sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo, and he had to educate me on what I was looking at. #WORDLESS
Brad Anderson of Allegion sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photos, taken in a hotel. Someone made a good effort but I see a few problems. What do you think?
Joe Hendry of Navigate360 sent me today's WW photo, taken in a school classroom. Clearly, it is a marked exit that is blocked, but is this exit required? Tell me what you think.
Although at first glance I was Wordless, I'm wondering...what would you do? On the other side of this door is an unoccupied roof, four feet down from the occupied space.
Sometimes it's important to go back to the basics, because there are always new people finding iDigHardware for the first time. And clearly, not everyone has gotten the message.
We all know by now that doors in a means of egress are required to be readily distinguishable by building occupants. What do you think about today's Wordless Wednesday photo?
I must have missed this amazing church entrance door when I was in Rome, but luckily a retired AHJ sent me some Wordless Wednesday photos. I guess I need to make a return trip!
Eyal Bedrik of Entry Systems Ltd. sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo, of a standpipe cabinet that will need to be accessed quickly during a fire ("Now where did I put those keys???").
Hal Kelton of DOORDATA Solutions sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo of an "emergency door", and well... I'm wordless!
Cesar Montalvo of Wesco sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo, taken in the heavy equipment bay of a military facility. These doors are 18 feet tall!
While this may seem like "just another chained exit" (boooring...), I am reminded of the MANY times that locked or blocked exits have resulted in fatalities during an emergency.
I just love when I receive a photo that gives me the opportunity to explain something from a different angle, and today's WW photo from Marc Zolner of Allegion is a great example.
What can I say about today's Wordless Wednesday photo, taken by an AHJ? I'm sure it's the result of a renovation, but I wonder how long it will stay this way.
I recently received a link from a New York City architect and public transportation commuter to a news article about a plan to use delayed egress locks on subway gates. Thoughts?
Last weekend I took my daughters and their friends to the movies, and that's where I saw today's Wordless Wednesday application on the theater exit.
Normally I'm extremely focused on door-related problems, but this one left me Wordless because the photo was taken in a fire department training facility.