QQ: ISA on Actuators
Today's Quick Question: Are actuators for automatic operators required to have the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA)?
Today's Quick Question: Are actuators for automatic operators required to have the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA)?
Most of you know how important this message is to me: Close Before You Doze. Check out this video from the Sister Bay/Liberty Grove Fire Department.
Whether you are in your office or at home with your cat (or kids!), you can keep learning. Our national trainers are offering 2 webinars tomorrow.
This is the first time I've ever received a Fixed-it Friday STORY...not just one FF photo, but 13 photos and Logan Piburn's narration of the whole situation. Thanks Logan!
I receive a lot of questions about the code requirements for fire door assembly inspections, so when the Steel Door Institute asked me to write an article on the subject, I was more than willing!
These photos perfectly illustrate the age-old struggle between security and convenience. The semi-permanent nature of the "fix" leaves me wordless.
Because our team of national trainers is not on the road these days, they have begun offering multiple webinars every Wednesday! Check today's post for tomorrow's line-up!
More opportunities for online training - some offering continuing education credits. Check here for upcoming live webinars and access to on-demand recordings.
It's Fixed-it Friday, AND...last call for the iDigHardware Yeti mug! Share your insight today on my post about school security design trends, and I'll pick a winner!
With the current focus on how to limit the spread of germs, many facility managers are considering the addition of automatic operators so doors can be operated "hands-free."
At first glance, this might look like an LCN 4040 closer that has suffered an extreme failure, but it is actually a knockoff. Make sure you're getting the real deal!
Today's Quick Question: Can an existing fire door be labeled in the field for a higher rating than what it was originally listed for?
The recording of Paul Timm's webinar on access control best practices for schools is now available!
Today's Fixed-it Friday photo shows someone's attempt at solving the problem of a non-ADA-compliant thumbturn in a veterans' home. Fortunately, the locks have since been replaced.
Please share any trends you have seen on new school projects or existing buildings...the safety of all students will benefit from shared best practices (and there's an iDigHardware Yeti travel mug up for grabs!).
Raise your hand if you've seen a fire door like this. Now wave a virtual hello! :D A fire barrier can't do its job with a big hole in it!
Anyone know what "loiding" is? How about a "mute"? To find out, click here to download the DHI Glossary of Architectural Hardware Terms.
This Friday, May 8th, Allegion will be presenting the second in a series of six 30-minute webinars designed with integrators in mind. If you are an access control integrator, please join us!
I received today's Fixed-it Friday photo from Ken Sako of Lazzaro Companies, and I'm wordless. Maybe y'all can think of something to say.
My next Decoded column for Door Security + Safety magazine addresses the requirements for vestibules mandated by the IECC.
Just a friendly reminder to go one step further and ensure that the egress requirements are met while exits are being modified or other construction projects are in progress.
Are AHJs allowing retail stores to make temporary changes in their egress routes to help slow the spread of COVID-19? If yes, are there some guidelines to help ensure safe egress?
While COVID-19 restrictions are a form of forced access control to school facilities, timeless issues must be addressed. Join DHI and the Door Security & Safety Foundation for this webinar...
I don't know about y'all, but I needed a laugh today (I know - odd things make me laugh). Happy Fixed-it Friday - I hope you are all staying safe and well.
Thank you to those who attended the live webinar last week! The webinars page has been updated with the recording, a list of resources, a short survey, and information about Webinar 3!
Craig Gaevert sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo...there must be a rule against this, right? There's even a sign! :\
Someone asked me last week whether a door pull operated by the user's foot would be considered accessible. The answer seems obvious, right? Read on...
This Friday, April 24th, Allegion will be presenting the first in a series of six 30-minute webinars designed with integrators in mind. If you are an access control integrator, please join us!
I know that some architects would rather not see thru-bolts for closers, but I think they should be standard for every school specification. Do you agree?
I'd like to compile some information about how hardware for an isolation room is currently being specified/supplied. What are the current recommendations or requirements?
Remember last week's Wordless Wednesday photos of warehouse exits? Well, I received some more from Johnson Controls. #wordless
In case you can't read the sign on the door, it says, "Push the red button and the bar on the door at the same time to exit." THIS IS NOT OK!
Many of you probably know a lot about panic hardware already, but maybe you have colleagues who could benefit from Webinar 2 which I'll be presenting this Thursday. Please share!
Today's Fixed-it Friday photos show a situation found at a state college. I'm curious whether any of you can come up with examples of when this "fix" would be acceptable.
I find information and a solid plan helpful to me in uncertain times, and I hope that NFPA's guidance is useful to you. Stay safe!
One of the side-effects of staying at home is that we're not out-and-about to run across Wordless Wednesday and Fixed-it Friday applications. Can you help save my streaks?
This is a beautiful residential door with a problem caused by the brick reveal combined with the arched top. Can you help? WWYD?
Today's Quick Question: Is sealant required around a fire door frame - where it meets the sheetrock?
Facility managers need to carefully consider changes made to prevent virus transmission, which could affect egress, fire protection, and accessibility.
Here's another training opportunity - this time from TGP University. Learn about fire-rated glazing and how the model codes affect the design options. April 14th!
I've been trying to put myself in the shoes of the person who made the modifications to these exits, and I just can't imagine any conditions that would make this seem like a good idea.
My next webinar is coming up on Thursday, April 16th. The topic will be panic hardware - where it is required and the related code requirements - including the electrified options.
Today's Quick Question: Can door hardware with an antimicrobial coating prevent the spread of COVID-19 or other viruses?
If it looks like a door and swings like a door, building occupants (and the code official) will probably think it’s a door, and it should operate like doors are supposed to.
Covid-19 has inspired new "inventions" to help people avoid touching door hardware with their hands, to limit the spread of the virus. How can the hardware industry help?
It's Wordless Wednesday and my 10th day of staying inside the house. I hope you are all safe and healthy - and code-compliant!
Next up in NFPA's series of short videos...Are 3D-printed buildings safe and code-compliant? What do you think? Would you live in a 3D-printed house?
Today's Quick Question: Is an astragal required for double-egress cross-corridor pairs in health care smoke barriers? The answer surprised me.
Seriously...how does anyone justify this Fixed-it Friday "fix"? If someone tells you this was approved by the fire marshal, I wouldn't believe it.
I don't know about you, but I've had a little trouble staying focused in recent days. I'd love to come up with some ways to use this time wisely. Any ideas?