FF: Green Door Closer (video)
Everyone and everything seems to be going green these days...check out this green door closer, sent to me by Eyal Bedrick of Entry Systems Ltd. (Watch the video.) And Happy Fixed-it Friday!
Everyone and everything seems to be going green these days...check out this green door closer, sent to me by Eyal Bedrick of Entry Systems Ltd. (Watch the video.) And Happy Fixed-it Friday!
In the next two weeks, the Allegion training team is offering online education for architects, integrators, end users, installers, distributors, locksmiths - really anyone who has an interest in understanding doors and hardware - including a new series called Door Drills!
Sometimes it can be tough to get hardware finishes to match correctly, given the varying base materials and finish processes. Tim Weller of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photos, showing a "fix" where someone was obviously paying attention to detail.
Coming up this week...our next Security in 30 session, an Allegion 101 class on LCN closers, and 4 Webinar Wednesday classes including one on clear width and maneuvering clearance. Which class(es) will you be attending?
Geometry wasn't my favorite subject in high school, but I learned enough to know that this closer mounting is not optimal for reliable operation of the door. Thank you to Chuck Gulla of Allegion for today's Fixed-it Friday photo!
I'm wondering what you think about this door opening...it's kind of an interesting one as door openings go. I have never thought about using a combination of panic hardware and a lockset with an electric strike. WWYD?
I'm sure you can all see the problem with this apartment entrance...how would you mount a door closer on this side of the door?
There's more virtual training available this week, and an early notification of a session being hosted next week by DHI and DSSF. This webinar covers application of the 5th edition of the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools Guidelines.
This is a creative closer mounting that you won't find in the catalog. The closer is installed on an exterior door of an apartment building...I wonder how well it's controlling the door.
When the automatic operator stops working, today's Fixed-it Friday photo illustrates one way to fix it without bringing in an auto operator expert or waiting for replacement components.
If you are new to the hardware industry (or you know someone who is), the Allegion 101 series offers an introduction to our products and their applications. Feel free to share these sessions with anyone who could benefit!
This door has an arched top so the standard closer mountings won't work, but there is an alternative - a special template from LCN!
I think online learning is here to stay. Which doesn't mean that we'll never see each other in person again, but there's a lot we can learn in the meantime.
How have you been specifying/supplying the hardware for hotel rooms that are sometimes used as a suite - with door closers on the individual doors, or without?
At first glance, this might look like an LCN 4040 closer that has suffered an extreme failure, but it is actually a knockoff. Make sure you're getting the real deal!
I received today's Fixed-it Friday photo from Ken Sako of Lazzaro Companies, and I'm wordless. Maybe y'all can think of something to say.
I know that some architects would rather not see thru-bolts for closers, but I think they should be standard for every school specification. Do you agree?
We've all seen closers installed incorrectly...the question is how will the control of this door be affected by the installation in this Fixed-it Friday photo?
Keith Nelsen of Lindquist Security Technologies sent me today's Fixed-it Friday video. I'm guessing it wasn't an intentional "fix", but it's interesting nonetheless.
The creative solutions never end! RB Sontag of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo, and if this is a fire door, we've got a problem.
What do you think about this change that has been approved for the 2021 International Building Code? Does it clear things up nicely, or does it cause concerns regarding accessibility?
Maybe rules really are made to be broken? Which code requirements are being violated with this creative Wordless Wednesday installation?
Yesterday I posted a Fixed-it Friday photo even though it was Thursday, but don't worry! I saved up some FF photos during my trip to Italy, and I'm sharing them all today!
Many of my Fixed-it Friday posts show creative attempts at what-not-to-do, so as #6 in the Top-10 series I wanted to highlight another type of Fixed-it Friday post.
If a door closer on a fire door is missing the cover, is that a deficiency that should be noted on a fire door inspection report?
Quick Question: Is it a code requirement for non-fire-rated exterior doors to have door closers? The answer may surprise you.
When you have a project with 6'-8" doors, it's important to think about the clear opening height and the hardware that projects down from the frame head.
The fire marshal wants these stairwell doors to close more reliably than they do with the original system. Note the arched brick "frames" and the swing-clear strap hinges (cool, right??). WWYD?
I saw this last night at a local hang-out called Mama Mia, and I thought of y'all. Happy Fixed-it Friday!
What do you know about lead-lined doors, frame, and hardware? Here's one little tidbit, but I'd appreciate it if you would share your insight!
Sometimes when I see these creative solutions it seems like it would have been easier to use something that has already been invented, but I guess that would take all of the fun out of it.
This is why I prefer parallel arm door closers over top jamb or regular arm.
When I started this series 7 1/2 years ago, I had no idea that it would go on this long. Until my dying breath, I will love Wordless Wednesday.
In case you haven't had enough baseball, John Cohrs of Central Indiana Hardware sent me this photo of the bullpen door from last night's World Series game (nice hardware!).
Eyal Bedrik of Entry Systems Ltd. sent me this Wordless Wednesday video...who can diagnose the problem?
Most people don't realize how much force the components of a door closer have to withstand. I don't think this repair is going to handle the pressure for long.
According to Bob Larson of Builders Hardware & Supply Company, these double closers are doing a good job of controlling this 7-foot x 12-foot pair of doors at the Bamburg Cathedral...
I've never seen this particular closer mounting before...how about you? I wonder about the strength of anchoring the shoe to the top of the door, and the critical tolerances of the mortise.
I don't get stumped very often, but I've never seen this before. What can you tell me about this mysterious contraption? How does it work?
Just because closer reinforcements are not visible doesn't mean they aren't necessary! Yes - this is a fire door.
Jess Dey sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo...SCARY!
No screw pack in the box? No problem!
The last time I posted a photo of a closer that had exploded, some of the readers thought it was Photoshopped. Here's another one.
These Wordless Wednesday photos also qualify for Fixed-it Friday but I couldn't wait two more days to post them.
This is not the first time I've seen this problem, but this is a pretty labor-intensive solution. Hopefully this wall is not a fire barrier.
Can a delayed action closer be installed on a fire door?
This is a good one! What would you use to hang these doors, and what type of door closer could be used?
Have you ever run across this application in the field or been asked to specify or install panic hardware on a door with no closer? What is your response to this request?
After you check out today's Wordless Wednesday photo, can you help with some questions from iDH readers?
Should "missing" screws in a parallel-arm shoe be cited as a deficiency during a fire door inspection?