WW: Moose & Squirrel
Animals + automatic doors...what could be better on a Wordless Wednesday? Ok - I can think of a few things that might be better, but check these out anyway...
Animals + automatic doors...what could be better on a Wordless Wednesday? Ok - I can think of a few things that might be better, but check these out anyway...
Andrew Harris of Willis Klein sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo, and it's disheartening. This is the exterior door of a middle school classroom with one or more students who have special needs.
As I've said before...as a last resort anything goes, but THIS SHOULD NOT BE PLAN A! Do you agree or disagree?
Eric Laidlaw of Jensen Hughes sent me these Wordless Wednesday photos...I'd love to hear your theories/analyses of what's going on with this opening.
The sad thing about situations like this is that they often stay as-is for YEARS. In this particular case, the sign appears to be laminated or in a plastic sheet protector.
Thank you to Frederic Horrell of Allegion Canada, for today's Wordless Wednesday photo!
I admit it. I have a thing for old hardware - especially when it's still functional, and even better when it's ours!
iDigHardware will be on break until Monday, so enjoy the holiday weekend (if you're celebrating), and don't forget the rules of holiday door decorating!
I wonder how many people look at this door and wonder what the reasoning was behind this installation. Maybe we're the only ones.
When I started this series 7 1/2 years ago, I had no idea that it would go on this long. Until my dying breath, I will love Wordless Wednesday.
It's that time of year again...when teachers get creative and their classroom doors become the canvas. Don't forget the rules of holiday door decorating!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's Wordless Wednesday photo. This is in direct conflict with everything I learned about life safety in hardware school.
These doors are an egress problem waiting to happen, and on an assembly occupancy where large numbers of people may need to exit quickly...
Eyal Bedrik of Entry Systems Ltd. sent me this Wordless Wednesday video...who can diagnose the problem?
Considering the liability a hotel could face if their fire door assemblies failed to perform during a fire, the repair methods employed by many hotels seem pretty irresponsible.
Have your friends and family started noticing hardware problems and code issues? Or do they still roll their eyes when you stop to take photos to submit for Wordless Wednesday or Fixed-it Friday?
Someone obviously knew that they were rendering the exit unusable...I just wonder if anyone confirmed that this egress door was no longer required.
I have never seen anything like these Wordless Wednesday videos that were sent to me by Mary Hinton of Mulhaupt's, Inc. This may be more than a rain drip can handle.
This summer I visited quite a few colleges, and this dorm left me Wordless. :( Can you find all of the code-related issues with these fire doors and egress doors?
When some people go to the beach, they take photos of sunsets and sea creatures. I take photos of doors, panic hardware, and non code-compliant attempts to mitigate water infiltration. Enjoy! :)
I'm guessing this was not what the architect had in mind when he or she designed this rest area lobby with pairs of all-glass doors. Why have a vestibule at all?
I've never seen this particular closer mounting before...how about you? I wonder about the strength of anchoring the shoe to the top of the door, and the critical tolerances of the mortise.
This door with a mangled fire door label on the latch side was seen in a nursing home. Any theories about what happened here?
Today's my birthday and I've got a Wordless Wednesday present for you. Look closely at this grocery store exit...any theories about what is happening here, or how it operates in an emergency?
Just because closer reinforcements are not visible doesn't mean they aren't necessary! Yes - this is a fire door.
Jess Dey sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo...SCARY!
Jim Elder of Secured Design not only saw this situation and sent me these Wordless Wednesday photos, he alerted employees of the store about the problem. Kudos to Jim!
Technically these classroom doors were probably decorated for Veterans Day but they're the most patriotic doors I could find. What do you think...code-compliant or not?
See anything odd in these Wordless Wednesday photos from Scott Straton of Allegion?
I'm confused about this conflict between newly-adopted code requirements and what the media is reporting. Can anyone share some insight?
These Wordless Wednesday photos, from Geno Markette of Yates and Felts, are not just your run-of-the-mill padlocked-gate photos.
As a last resort, I support using whatever is on hand to secure/barricade the door. But if we have time to look at the school's current situation and plan the response - is this REALLY the best we can do?
The last time I posted a photo of a closer that had exploded, some of the readers thought it was Photoshopped. Here's another one.
These Wordless Wednesday photos also qualify for Fixed-it Friday but I couldn't wait two more days to post them.
We've all seen the back-of-house doors in shopping malls...they're often good examples of what-not-to-do.
I think these Wordless Wednesday photos may permanently affect my ability to speak.
#Wordless, from the Champaign Illinois Fire Department's Facebook page...
#Wordless Friday from Gregory Kelly of Allegion...
I'm not an expert on the electrical codes, but this just seems wrong to me.
A fire station? REALLY?? This reminds me of a fire station I visited a while back...
Today's Wordless Wednesday photos came from Colin Watson of Allegion, who saw this sign in a coffee shop. I guess this is one way to address a non-code-compliant door.
This type of lock is not panic hardware. We need to be aware of these claims and prepared to address them when questions arise.
Today's Wordless Wednesday photos are from a very large expo center. Although the creative slide bolt was unlocked when the photo was taken, it's scary to think about the potential for human error, or lack of egress for firefighters who might be in the building when it is otherwise unoccupied.
"He believes school officials could do more to prepare teachers for intruders, whether by investing in padlocks so they aren’t scrambling for ways to barricade doors..."
I can hardly believe that iDigHardware is 9 YEARS OLD!
I'll just leave this right here. Zoom in, look around, and share your thoughts in the reply box.
After you check out today's Wordless Wednesday photo, can you help with some questions from iDH readers?
Since it's Wordless Wednesday, here is a photo that Jim Phillips of SBS Associates sent me from a school walk-through. Luckily the school's security precautions kept these intruders out.
I'm losing hope.
Deputy Jeff Tock of Allegion found this "emergency exit" while he was out antiquing. I wonder how building occupants are supposed to exit in an emergency...I guess the store is not expecting one to occur.