
Decoded: Current Requirements of the I-Codes for Classroom Door Locks

As I mentioned last month, my Decoded column has a new question-and-answer format. This month's question: "How do the changes made to the 2018 and 2021 I-Codes affect the requirements for locks installed on classroom doors?"

Locksmith Ledger: Five Code Considerations for Multifamily Residential Buildings

Many doors have to meet multiple sets of code requirements, for code-compliant egress, fire protection, and accessibility.  There are dozens of applicable mandates that apply to door openings in a multifamily residential building; here are five to consider...

Decoded: Approved Changes and Clarifications to the 2024 International Building Code

My latest Decoded article, published in the January/February issue of Door Security + Safety, addresses upcoming changes to the 2024 I-Codes. I covered additional changes affecting electrified hardware in a previous article. 

By |2023-02-28T00:37:56-05:00February 2nd, 2023|Accessibility, Articles, Fire Doors, Means of Egress|3 Comments

Decoded: US General Services Administration (GSA) Facilities Standards

I worked on several GSA projects back when I was writing hardware specifications, and I don't remember ever seeing the facilities standards that have been published by the GSA, addressing certain types of federal projects. Here are the highlights...

By |2022-03-04T14:39:12-05:00February 3rd, 2022|Accessibility, arch, Articles, Means of Egress|0 Comments
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