WWYD? Tough Closer Mounting
I'm sure you can all see the problem with this apartment entrance...how would you mount a door closer on this side of the door?
I'm sure you can all see the problem with this apartment entrance...how would you mount a door closer on this side of the door?
I'm having a hard time making the connection between the NEC classifications for hazardous locations and the requirements for access control used in those areas. Are you an electrical expert?? I'd love some help with this!
I have not commonly seen automatic-closing devices on fire door assemblies released by the sound of the fire alarm system vs. the detection of smoke, but maybe it's a viable option for the US market? WWYD?
We are now beginning a new code development cycle for the International Building Code, and NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code will follow soon. This gives us an opportunity to propose changes to the codes that affect door openings the most...
I have a question about elevator emergency access doors and I could use some help from an elevator expert. Do you have experience with ASME A17.1 and the requirements for blind hoistways?
Last week, an AHJ asked me if I knew of a source for plates or other products that could be used to increase the height of the bottom rail of a door. WWYD?
Hal Kelton of DOORDATA Solutions sent me this photo of a pair of doors in health care facility, and it made me wonder...how would you handle the hardware for this pair?
Even after 20 years, the requirements for projections into the clear opening width continue to raise questions. I'd love to have your insight on this. WWYD?
An interesting product came across my desk recently, which is designed to allow hands-free operation of restroom doors. Have any of you tried it yet? WWYD?
A change to the 2021 edition of the IBC seems to allow egress doors in some health care units to have mechanical locks in the direction of egress, instead of fail safe electrified locks. WWYD?
I've recently had several people ask how multiple changes in level within a door opening are considered by the accessibility standards. WWYD?
I know that most of us have seen projects with wonky door numbering...what would you do if you could start from scratch and number the openings the right way?
Is it acceptable for a locksmith who is not AAADM certified to perform work on automatic doors - if the work is not part of the automatic operating system? WWYD?
I have an opportunity to do a Q&A with a company offering field relabeling/recertification of fire door assemblies, and I want to make sure that I don't miss any questions you may have.
How have you been specifying/supplying the hardware for hotel rooms that are sometimes used as a suite - with door closers on the individual doors, or without?
Please share any trends you have seen on new school projects or existing buildings...the safety of all students will benefit from shared best practices (and there's an iDigHardware Yeti travel mug up for grabs!).
Are AHJs allowing retail stores to make temporary changes in their egress routes to help slow the spread of COVID-19? If yes, are there some guidelines to help ensure safe egress?
I'd like to compile some information about how hardware for an isolation room is currently being specified/supplied. What are the current recommendations or requirements?
This is a beautiful residential door with a problem caused by the brick reveal combined with the arched top. Can you help? WWYD?
For aesthetic purposes, a change is being considered to the configuration of this swinging pair of doors - each leaf would be increased from 36 inches wide to 62 inches wide. WWYD?
One side of this device is attached to the door with double-sided tape, and the other side is magnetic. It is used in a memory care facility to indicate whether a resident's room is vacant or occupied. WWYD?
When a child with autism or an adult with dementia is living at home, it's crucial for their family to be able to deter elopement while still providing safe egress. WWYD?
Should the mounting location for a round light be at 43 inches above the floor? Or lower to allow more viewing area? WWYD?
Are the doors on these temporary vestibules required to meet the requirements of the codes and standards? If not, why not? And if yes...why are most of them non-compliant?
When trying to prevent water intrusion at the fire service elevator lobby doors, what type of door sweep or door bottom meets the intent of IBC Section 3007? WWYD?
Originally, these doors did not need to lock, but that has changed, and the architect is looking for a way to add code-compliant locks to the doors which have already been installed. WWYD?
I need some help from any wood door experts out there...any theories on what might have caused the horizontal lines on these wood doors? They weren't visible until the doors were field stained.
Shared restrooms that are not segregated based on gender are becoming more common in schools, universities, and other types of facilities. What's the ideal hardware solution for these doors?
Any idea what is corroding or oxidizing inside of this door - and to this extent?? I've never seen anything like it! What's the solution? WWYD?
Do you know of any facility that is using the performance-based option for fire door assembly inspection? I asked the Joint Commission about it...
Imagine that you are moving your mom into an assisted living facility, and you notice that the door closer on every fire-rated apartment entrance door has been disconnected...
How do you replace existing pivots when you don't know the manufacturer or model number? Is there a reliable way to identify existing pivots? Are replacements for old pivots readily available? WWYD?
Is the door serving a walk-in closet in an apartment or condominium required to comply with the means of egress requirements of the IBC? WWYD?
I know there is someone out there reading this who can tell me more about this type of cylinder. How does it work? What's the purpose? WWYD?
Many of my Fixed-it Friday posts show creative attempts at what-not-to-do, so as #6 in the Top-10 series I wanted to highlight another type of Fixed-it Friday post.
Much of the work to replace deficient fire doors in London residential blocks has not been completed, so one man decided to take matters into his own hands to prove a point. Don't do this.
Should the model codes be modified to require immediate egress through doors with delayed egress locks during emergencies other than fires?
How do you provide the required standby power for an automatic operator if there isn't building-wide backup power? WWYD?
Calling all architects...we need your help with this one! Do you indicate on the drawings which leaf of a pair should be active and which is inactive?
I can definitely see how a lock that is only controlled by a phone could be a problem, and the court agreed - the tenants now have keys. WWYD?
This application was found in an airport, and requires building occupants to use a pull station to initiate a delayed egress lock. Is it code-compliant?
This is INSANITY! This is yet another example of seeking to remove the safety protocols of the adopted codes, in order to prioritize security at a perceived lower cost.
Is an existing fire door assembly with 2 hinges acceptable, or should it be noted as a deficiency during a fire door inspection?
The fire marshal wants these stairwell doors to close more reliably than they do with the original system. Note the arched brick "frames" and the swing-clear strap hinges (cool, right??). WWYD?
Is it code-compliant to add a deadbolt to a door with a mag-lock, that can be used to lock the door during a power failure?
It's almost time to submit change proposals for NFPA 80 and NFPA 105 - tell me what's on your wish list and I'll see what I can do to help!
I'd love to hear your opinions on some of the recent media coverage that presents the school security industry negatively. Are they talking about US? If not, how do we make that clear?
What would you do if you were in this situation? It's not always easy to do the right thing, but could you live with yourself if something happened?
On a fire door assembly, is it acceptable to drill/cut a hole in the frame for the latchbolt, and not install the strike?
Are pneumatic switches required as the auxiliary release devices for sensor-release electrified locking systems? Or are other types of switches acceptable? Please share your insight and experience!