Decoded: Calculating the Egress Width of Door Openings
I can't believe I first wrote this article 10 years ago! An AHJ recently asked me about calculating the egress width of a door, so I've updated this article with current code references.
I can't believe I first wrote this article 10 years ago! An AHJ recently asked me about calculating the egress width of a door, so I've updated this article with current code references.
I recently shared some photos of aluminum doors with magnetic holders, and some eagle-eyed iDigHardware readers asked why the doors were automatic-closing doors...
Back in 2011, I wrote a post about wicket doors; basically a door within a door. Last weekend I saw SO MANY wicket doors in the city of Querétaro, Mexico. Enjoy!
Someone asked me yesterday whether fire rated wood frames are available. I have only specified a few projects in my career that had fire rated frames with the look of wood...
Today's Fixed-it Friday photos were sent by Manjupriya T M of Allegion-India. They were taken at the Sabarmati Ashram Museum in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Pretty cool, right??
In Mark Kuhn's next post, he writes about a problem many hardware specifiers have faced...a conflict between door width and the code requirements for panic hardware.
I saw a video of some amazing hollow metal work posted on social media, and I was Wordless! I asked Brian Lavallee of Doors by LAVA if I could share it here, and he said yes!
I've noticed a few interesting door openings around the hotel where this week's BHMA meetings are being held, and these doors in particular illustrated something I hadn't really thought about before.
I can't count the number of times iDigHardware readers have asked me to send them some "proof" to support the intent of a code requirement. Have you seen this resource from BHMA?
Are you familiar with the annual inspection criteria for fire door assemblies? Join us on Thursday, March 14th, for an AIA-approved webinar presented by Jeff Batick of Allegion.
As I'm reviewing and updating these Decoded articles, I can't believe that some of them were originally written more than 12 years ago. Hopefully they will continue to be a valuable resource for another 12 years and beyond!
Join us on October 4th for an AIA-approved webinar on sliding doors, presented by Tysen Gannon, West Region Business Development Manager, Allegion.
The accessibility requirements related to doors and hardware are too complex to address in one post, but here are a few of the most frequently asked questions, with links to additional information.
Sliding doors are being specified more frequently, and it's important to understand the applicable code requirements to ensure that the mandates for egress, fire protection, and accessibility are met. In this post I have answered some of the FAQs.
This Decoded article addresses the requirements of the International Building Code and ICC 500 for storm shelters, and I have updated the original article with current code references.
Whether you’re designing a LEED certified building or not, every building created today includes sustainable features. Join us on May 25th for an AIA-approved webinar, presented by Aaron Owens, Sustainability Specialist for Allegion.
The Allegion 101 training series was designed for people who are new to the industry, new to the Allegion family of brands, or just want to learn more about doors and hardware. Feel free to share this post with anyone who could benefit from this introductory training.
The Allegion 101 training series was designed for people who are new to the industry, new to the Allegion family of brands, or just want to learn more about doors and hardware. Feel free to share this post with anyone who could benefit from this introductory training.
This month's Webinar Wednesday is all about hollow metal, with two classes offered by Leon Starks. If you haven't attended one of Leon's trainings, he's a fantastic teacher with a passion for hollow metal doors and frames!
Don't's not actually November yet! But there's some training coming up next week that I don't want you to miss - including a couple of sessions that I'm presenting. I hope to see some of you there!
The accessibility standards mandate a flush, smooth surface at the bottom of a door to avoid catching a wheelchair footpad, crutch, cane, or other mobility aid on a protrusion. Some of the most frequently-asked questions on this topic are answered in today's post.
Where have the months gone?? It's October already! We have two Webinar Wednesdays this month, and the recording of my health care lunch and learn from last week will also be available soon.
Today's Quick Question: In our facility there is a mechanical room where we need a removable transom panel in a fire door assembly, to allow for the occasional replacement of equipment that won't fit through a 7-foot door. Is this possible?
It's my favorite time of the year - back to school! It's hard to believe that I have a college senior, and a high school junior and senior! But the learning doesn't end with graduation...we have plenty of continuing education available this month.
Today is my birthday and I will be spending the day flying to Minneapolis to work with the members of our Specwriter Apprentice Program and Sales Development Program. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have 2 Webinar Wednesdays this month!
Because of the holiday weekend and the Webinar Wednesday sessions scheduled for the first week of the month, this is a last-minute notification of the online training available TOMORROW - I hope some of you can make it!
How is it May already??? Webinar Wednesdays continue with two days of online classes this month, along with a new Security in 30 session with 10 Overtur Tips for the Integrator and Security Community.
This "fix" occurred after a local emergency where law enforcement made a forced entry with the use of explosives during a hostage situation, saving multiple people. Great work by Michael's Keys!
Last week I posted some photos sent to me by a retired fire marshal, and one of them reminded me of a Quick Question that I've received several times lately: Do impact doors have to comply with the accessibility standards?
Webinar Wednesdays continue, along with a new Security in 30 session coming up this month! Electrified hardware, hollow metal doors and frames, fire doors, panic hardware, and a Security in 30 on some important health care research!
Great news! Webinar Wednesdays are back, along with a new Security in 30 session coming up this month! Electrified hardware, automatic operators, hollow metal doors and frames...which classes will you attend?
When I saw these photos on the Locksmith's Journal Facebook page, I was wordless. Luckily, I was given permission to share them here! This door looks like it has seen better days. What do you think?
I love it when people contact me with suggestions for iDigHardware, even when (or especially when?) their idea is something I should have come up with long ago. Here are the upcoming classes for the next 2 WEEKS!
If you're not familiar with Manufacturing Day, it's an annual series of events aimed at helping to fill 4 million high-skill, high-tech and high-paying manufacturing jobs over the next decade. Check out our US facilities in this video!
"The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety." ~ Josh Waitzkin
Phew! I finally made it home after my loooong trip combining the BHMA and DHI conferences with some training and other meetings - it was great to see some of you in person!
If you will be at the DHI conNextions conference in New Orleans, I hope to see you in my class on Thursday, October 21st! And if you are a local architect/architectural specwriter or code official, you can attend my class for free!
I was just talking with someone the other day about how hard it must be to get on-the-job training while working remotely. If you or someone you know is new to the industry or new to the Allegion brands, check out Allegion 101!
Automatic operators can be complicated, and it's important to understand the code requirements to help ensure the safety of people using the doors. But not to worry! We have an auto operator class as part of this week's Webinar Wednesday line-up!
Tony Park of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo...all the way from Korea! The door leads to a recording studio - pretty cool, right?! I wonder why more people don't get creative with their doors.
My webinar addressing the changes to the 2021 model codes is this Thursday, August 26th! If you need to know what's new (don't we all?), join me at 11am or 2pm Eastern. And we have other great classes this week to choose from!
Have you ever run into the problem of needing to secure a door serving an enclosed courtyard, but also needing to provide free egress from the courtyard through the interior of the building? There's finally a code-compliant solution!
On Thursday, August 26th, I will be hosting a webinar covering some of the important changes to the 2021 editions of the International Building Code (IBC) and NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code. Are you up to speed on what's new?
I can't believe how quickly time is flying by! 2021 is more than half over and so is summer. In two weeks I have a kid heading back to college and I'll finish my 54th year around the sun. And there's more...
There are so many options for online training this week! Whether you're an architect, end user, distributor, locksmith, installer or security integrator, new to the industry or with years of experience, there's something for you to learn.
This is one of my favorite work weeks of the year, when lots of people are on vacation, and I can catch up on a few things. I'm currently updating my ShortCodes classes - I'll let you know when they're ready!
There are so many online classes to choose from this week! Which one(s) will help you stay up to date on what's happening in the door and hardware industry?
In the next two weeks, the Allegion training team is offering online education for architects, integrators, end users, installers, distributors, locksmiths - really anyone who has an interest in understanding doors and hardware - including a new series called Door Drills!
Next week's Security in 30 session covers a topic that is near and dear to my heart - coordinating the Division 08 specification section that covers door hardware with the Division 28 section addressing access control.
Coming up this week...our next Security in 30 session, an Allegion 101 class on LCN closers, and 4 Webinar Wednesday classes including one on clear width and maneuvering clearance. Which class(es) will you be attending?