Beautiful Doors

WW: The Greatest Step is Out the Door

I'm getting ready to teach a code class for the Massachusetts Locksmiths Association (anybody want to play Code Jeopardy??) so I don't have a lot of time to post tonight, but thanks to Bob Borson (Life of an Architect), Ginny Powell (A Cracked Door) and Martin Badke (Laux Myth...Thoughts From a Locksmith), I ran across a site mentioned on Twitter that will keep all of you door lovers entertained for most of the day.

By |2012-01-27T21:57:04-05:00October 12th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Wordless Wednesday|0 Comments

“¿Donde estan los churros?”

This weekend I left my computer at home (yes, really!) and headed to Cape Cod for my brother's wedding.  The wedding was held in North Truro, and the kids had heard me say several times that we were going to "Truro."  Well, my kids go to a bilingual school and are fluent in Spanish.  All along they thought we were going to "Churro," and expected to see a slew of the cinnamon-sugary donut-stick type pastries on arrival.  The disappointment didn't stop there - we didn't see any sandwiches in Sandwich, and luckily - no obvious pee in P-Town (the common nickname for Provincetown, Massachusetts).

By |2017-01-04T21:43:47-05:00September 25th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Means of Egress, Road Trips|2 Comments

INNadequate Closer (& More!)

I spent last weekend in Stowe, Vermont with one of my BFFs and we stayed at an "inn," which seems to mean bigger than a bed and breakfast but not as modern as a hotel.  As my friend said, "I got the keys...they're real keys - how quaint!"  I won't get into how the lock on our room had to be unlocked with the thumbturn before you could turn the knob for egress, but I will share the completely inadequate mini-closer on the exterior door adjacent to our room.  The door never closed and latched, and the kitchen staff hung out on the landing smoking butts (not the hinge kind).  Good thing we had the high-security privacy chain on our room door.

By |2012-01-27T21:57:29-05:00July 26th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Door Closers, Doors & Frames|5 Comments

WWYD? – Church Pair Meeting Stiles

I saw this church from the highway on our way into Roanoke, Virginia last week - it's St. Andrews Catholic Church, and I just knew it would have some nice doors.  As soon as I approached the building from the parking lot, I spotted the meeting stile gasketing.  Most people would probably see the building as a whole, or maybe the beautiful pulls, but I couldn't get past the gasketing.

By |2013-02-14T14:51:04-05:00July 5th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Gasketing & Thresholds, WWYD?|10 Comments

E.R. Butler & Co.

I've been in the door and hardware business for a long time - almost 25 years.  While I'm still passionate about the products, the industry, and our customers, there are some days when I'm not quite as excited as I once was.  It's kind of like the old, "I love you but I'm not in love with you," line.  I'm sure you can relate...we all have those days.

By |2012-01-27T21:57:31-05:00June 16th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Hinges & Pivots, Locks & Keys|3 Comments

Ellis Island

I know some of you will remember "Chip Falcon's Road Trip" from a couple of years ago.  For those of you who weren't readers of this blog back then...I usually go on a road trip with my family every summer.  In the summer of 2009, I had to take a Falcon 25 series panic device on the road trip so I could show it to a specwriter who had moved to South Carolina.  Since I was dragging the panic device (nicknamed Chip Falcon) around, I wrote a series of posts about the various places that we visited on our road trip and wrote about some of the features of the 24/25 series which had just been introduced.

By |2014-11-13T16:52:47-05:00March 21st, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Road Trips, Urban Exploration|13 Comments

Ballroom Entrance

The hotel in Las Vegas where we had our sales meeting had a Moroccan theme...I felt right at home since my husband is originally from Morocco and I love that style.  The entrance doors to the ballroom had a pattern created by contrasting stain and oversized metal brads.  They're labeled doors so I wonder whether the brads were considered plant-ons or whether they required any special testing or approval.

By |2012-01-27T21:58:45-05:00February 24th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Fire Doors|6 Comments

Casino Wrap-Up

Considering how many photos I took of doors during my Mommy's weekend at Foxwoods, it's a good thing I'm not a gambler.  I wouldn't have had any time to check out the doors if I was stuck at the slots.  I can't imagine what Las Vegas will be like...I hope I don't get arrested like this guy.  Now go get a cup of coffee while these 22 photos load.

MGM Grand Theater

As promised, I have some photos to post from my recent trip to Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut.  I don't typically mention the locations of the photos I post, usually because I don't want to get in trouble for showing their code violations.  Well, I'm not a gambler so I had plenty of time to look at doors, and I have no non-compliant door photos to post.  I was pleasantly shocked.  I saw two propped-open bathroom doors that had labels, but that's it.  I don't even know why those particular doors were labeled, but in a facility with thousands of doors, thousands of building occupants (one website estimates over 40,000 visitors per DAY), and special security concerns, they're doing a great job with their fire and egress doors, as well as accessibility.

By |2013-09-29T19:23:21-04:00January 10th, 2011|Beautiful Doors, Doors & Frames, Road Trips|1 Comment

The Bear Door

Last spring, one of my friends sent me a link for a "den-cam," where Lily the black bear was hibernating and eventually gave birth to her cub, Hope.  There were over 20,000 people watching the den-cam for the big event.  I was not one of them (although someday I would love to have enough leisure time to watch a den-cam), but I did become Facebook friends with Lily the Black Bear and the North American Bear Center.

By |2013-02-09T01:22:36-05:00December 12th, 2010|Beautiful Doors|0 Comments

RM Global

A couple of weeks ago I got a notification that someone wanted to connect with me on LinkedIn, and it turned out to be an architect that I worked with on several projects many moons ago, Reese Schroeder.  When I checked out his profile I found that he is the co-founder and Director of Product Development for RM Global.  The company creates and manufactures absolutely gorgeous art glass, including glass doors.  Their secret process results in a resolution of 4,000 dpi at 36 billion color potential - far exceeding the range of the human eye.

By |2016-02-03T10:37:48-05:00August 9th, 2010|Beautiful Doors, Glass|2 Comments

Happy 4th!

I'm really starting to think that between photos from readers and the way the internet connects me to the world, I could just stay in my house and still have plenty of doors to write about.  I'm currently at our "camp" which depending on where you are in the country could be defined as a cottage, lake house, summer home, etc.  I usually call it our shack in the woods, because it's tiny, it needs work, and it's in the woods.  Anyway, you get the picture.

By |2017-01-25T18:00:39-05:00July 3rd, 2010|Beautiful Doors|0 Comments


It's been almost a year since I started keeping track of which countries have visited this site, and the count currently stands at 110 countries.  WOW!  The visits from new countries has slowed dramatically since there are already so many on the list, so I thought it might be fun to post a door photo from each new country as they're added.

By |2013-09-29T19:23:36-04:00May 24th, 2010|Beautiful Doors|1 Comment

Portland Preview

I spent the weekend in Portland, Maine, and I think I may be in love.  What a beautiful city!  I was there for my sister-in-law's baby shower and I think I made my brother and SIL a little nervous driving and door-hunting at the same time.  It was kind of a rainy weekend so I'll do a more extensive post when I become an aunt in a couple of months, but here's a preview of some of the gorgeous doors around town.  It's sad that the doors being installed today are so plain and generic.  The door bloggers of the future won't have any cool photos to post!

By |2013-02-09T01:05:38-05:00April 19th, 2010|Beautiful Doors|1 Comment

Doors of the Hurva

It has been a while since I've received a new batch of photos from Israel but these were worth the wait.  The Hurva is a reconstructed synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem, with a long, storied history.  Construction on the original synagogue began in the early 1700's, but the unfinished building was destroyed in 1721.   It was rebuilt in 1864 and destroyed again in 1948.  The most recent reconstruction began in 2005, and the reconstructed synagogue was officially opened on March 15, 2010.

By |2016-01-06T11:18:38-05:00March 29th, 2010|Beautiful Doors, Reader Photos|0 Comments

Tomb Doors

Last week I attended a security meeting for a new horticulture building at the Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  I've written hardware specs for hundreds of projects but never a building for a cemetery.  I had never been to Mt. Auburn, so I looked it up on Google Maps, my first clue that this was not your typical cemetery.

By |2016-04-05T20:31:44-04:00March 15th, 2010|Beautiful Doors|3 Comments

Caño Negro

Yesterday we went to Caño Negro, a wildlife refuge near the Nicaraguan border.  I saw no doors of note, but I did see a mother sloth with her baby, which was SO COOL!! We saw tons of other animals including iguanas and other lizards, caymans, white-faced and howler monkeys, at least 20 different kinds of birds, and 3 other sloths.  It was a really great day.

By |2012-01-27T22:08:03-05:00February 7th, 2010|Beautiful Doors, Costa Rica, My Photos|2 Comments

Urban Exploration

I think I may have found the perfect hobby for myself.  Not that I need anything else to keep me busy, but I recently discovered the art of Urban Exploration, which combines my love of photography, architecture, and adventure. According to Wikipedia, Urban Exploration (AKA urbex or UE) is "the examination of the normally unseen or off-limits parts of urban areas or industrial facilities."

By |2017-12-20T13:19:09-05:00December 7th, 2009|Beautiful Doors, Urban Exploration|0 Comments

Moroccan Doors

I have visited 10 countries in Africa, so in honor of the first African country to host a visitor to this website (the 38th country to visit the site!), I decided to post an African door photo from my collection.  I searched through the albums of my trips and found hundreds of photos of elephants, lions, and my fellow campers behaving badly, but hardly any photos of doors!  I will eventually find and post my photo collection called the Doors of Zanzibar, but in the meantime, here are a few shots of the doors of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca Morocco.  To give these openings some scale, that's me sitting in front of a GIANT door, beside a door similar in size to the one in the close-up.

By |2012-01-27T22:10:02-05:00July 5th, 2009|Beautiful Doors, Funky Applications|0 Comments
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