Lori Greene

About Lori Greene

Lori is the Manager, Codes and Resources for Allegion, and the creator of iDigHardware. With more than 35 years of experience in the door and hardware industry, in her current role she focuses exclusively on the code requirements that apply to door openings.

Construction Specifier Article

I was pleasantly surprised to open my June issue of the Construction Specifier this morning, and find an article called "Architectural Hardware Specifications," by Joseph D. Calvert, CSI, CDT, AHC of Calvert Independent Hardware Specifications.  The article does a great job of explaining the value of an AHC.  Joe describes the coordination that we manage between various trades, the complex hardware sets and riser diagrams that we produce for openings with electrified hardware, and the detailed analysis that we perform when creating the hardware sets and reviewing the submittal - including the required function, durability, codes, and aesthetic requirements.

By |2012-01-27T21:58:09-05:00June 6th, 2011|General Info|7 Comments

WWYD? – Pediatric Unit Egress Doors

Last week I posted a photo of a deadlock on a pair with panic hardware, and I included a poll to find out what you all thought should be done about the problem.  I received some photos yesterday that gave me the idea to make this a regular feature of the blog - "What Would You Do?" (WWYD). Check out the photos, the code excerpts, and scroll all the way down to vote in the poll.

By |2014-10-09T18:51:38-04:00June 3rd, 2011|Means of Egress, WWYD?|4 Comments

Town Hall Entrance

Can you believe I'm STILL attending town meeting 3 nights per week for 3 hours each?  This was our 10th night and it will take a few more to get through all of our warrant articles.  I'm sorry if I've been less productive than usual - I'm spending my blogging hours doing my civic duty.  Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.  :-)

By |2014-04-29T12:14:41-04:00May 18th, 2011|Means of Egress|22 Comments

New York Chapter DHI

I had a great time at the New York DHI Chapter meeting tonight! I was so impressed with the attendance, the food, and the engagement at their chapter meeting, and they are very excited about the upcoming DHI conference in NYC in October.  Public speaking isn't my favorite thing to do, but they were a fabulous audience for my presentation on social media and professional networking, which made it easy for me.

By |2012-01-27T21:58:10-05:00May 10th, 2011|Locks & Keys|2 Comments

The National Zoo

On our way home we had great weather while we were in the DC area, so we decided to stop at the zoo and let the kids get some of the crazies out.  The lions were my favorite...a pride of 2 lionesses, 1 lion, and 7 cubs - just gorgeous.  I could have watched them all day.  At one point a lioness went to the door and I thought maybe she could smell food or hear someone making preparations.  Apparently big cats can open doors, because the knob had a shield around it.  The door in the tiger exhibit was the same, except that the tigers must be more impatient because instead of waiting and watching they're trying to dig their way in (see below).

By |2012-01-27T21:58:10-05:00April 24th, 2011|Door Closers, Road Trips|0 Comments

Hello Subscribers!

I guess the blog's subscriber system decided to go on vacation too, and I just realized that you weren't receiving notification emails!  There are a couple of posts waiting for you, and I'd also like to announce the winners of the "A Penny for Your Thoughts" contest!

By |2013-03-01T11:07:54-05:00April 20th, 2011|General Info|1 Comment


I got this text message this morning, and alas, I'm not at the ISC West show in Las Vegas.  If you're not at the show either, you can still visit the Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies booth there.

By |2013-02-09T01:20:58-05:00April 7th, 2011|Videos|0 Comments

An Army of Minions

Since I started this blog I've often thought how great it would be if JQP (John Q Public) knew the basic requirements of fire and egress doors.  What if everyone who saw a locked egress door or a propped-open fire door had a way to change the situation?  Imagine the effect this could have on life safety!  In my imaginary world, I think of these informed people as door minions, except instead of serving an evil SuperVillian, they're helping to save the world.  OK, it might be a stretch, but I saw this article the other day, giving me hope that there ARE door minions out there...

By |2016-05-18T17:02:53-04:00April 7th, 2011|Means of Egress|2 Comments

Now you’re really in trouble.

I love photography and I've always wanted to learn how to use all the fancy buttons and dials on my camera.  My "big" camera (a Canon T1i) takes great photos but I knew it could do so much more if I only knew what all those settings meant.  Well, today I finally took a class.  Yeah!  It was an hour of buttons and dials followed by a field trip around the neighborhood looking for interesting subjects.  It wasn't a great area for interesting doors but I found a few...and you can expect a LOT more photo-safari posts now that I've graduated from DSLR-1.  Just wait until DSLR-2!

By |2014-11-25T23:24:06-05:00April 3rd, 2011|Gates, Hinges & Pivots, My Photos|4 Comments

ICC Staff Opinion on FDAI

I know there have been a lot of posts this week and hopefully my subscribers aren't getting sick of the email notifications, but I've got a couple of really important things to post so bear with me.  I can take next week off if you're sick of me.  :-)

By |2012-01-27T21:58:11-05:00March 31st, 2011|FDAI|1 Comment

Woodstock, Ontario Apartment Fire

When I lived in a condominium complex in the mid-90's, I don't think I gave much thought to fire safety.  I remember hearing the fire alarm in the middle of the night and going out to my balcony to see if I could smell smoke.  If not, it must be a false alarm.  That seems CRAZY to me now.  Luckily, I lived in a fairly safe building.  The stair doors and the cross-corridor doors were never propped open.  The unit entry doors had spring hinges so they didn't close as reliably as if they'd had closers, but thankfully we never had a fire while I lived there.  Someday when I'm helping my oldest daughter look for her first apartment, you can bet that I won't be as lax about fire safety.  I may just zip her up in a flame resistant jumpsuit before I send her off to college.  :-)

By |2016-05-18T09:24:56-04:00March 29th, 2011|FDAI, Fire Doors|0 Comments

Shatford Centre Follow-Up

Last week I posted photos of some very old Von Duprin exit devices which were originally installed on the entrance doors to the Shatford Centre in Penticton, British Columbia.  I later communicated with the millworker, Plexus Woodworks, who built the new doors, and several people from the Shatford Centre, as well as other blog readers who chimed in with questions and comments.  If you know someone who is knowledgeable about antique hardware, please forward this post to them to see what else we can learn about this hardware.

By |2013-06-02T19:33:20-04:00March 29th, 2011|Panic Hardware|5 Comments

FDAI – New York State

The 2010 Fire Code of New York State requires fire doors to be maintained in accordance with NFPA 80, and references the 2007 edition of that standard (Chapter 45 - Referenced Standards).  The 2007 edition of NFPA 80 requires fire door assemblies to be inspected annually as part of the maintenance requirements, so by referencing NFPA 80-2007 for maintenance of fire doors, an annual inspection of these assemblies is required.

By |2017-05-25T15:40:31-04:00March 28th, 2011|FDAI|0 Comments

FDAI – California

The 2010 California Fire Code requires fire doors to be maintained in accordance with NFPA 80 and smoke doors to be maintained in accordance with NFPA 105.  The code references the 2007 editions of NFPA 80 and NFPA 105 (Chapter 47 - Referenced Standards).  The 2007 editions of these standards require the door assemblies to be inspected annually as part of the maintenance requirements, so by referencing NFPA 80-2007 and NFPA 105-2007 for maintenance of fire doors and smoke doors, an annual inspection of these assemblies is required.

By |2013-05-06T14:00:05-04:00March 28th, 2011|FDAI|5 Comments

“When will fire door inspections be required in my jurisdiction?”

In response to my request for a list of FAQs, my colleague and pal Kurt Roeper sent this suggestion.  It's definitely a frequently asked question, but the tricky part is coming up with the answer.  I'm a big fan of the old adage, "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time."  That's how I handle all the big tasks I'm faced with, and I think it will work for this one as well.

By |2012-02-14T11:43:24-05:00March 28th, 2011|FDAI|8 Comments

Help Choose the FAQs

I don't ask for much, right?  But I need a little help.  I've been posting on this blog for over 2 years and there are more than 400 posts.  I know it can sometimes be hard to find the specific post or topic you're looking for.  You can search by typing something into the search box, but when I just typed "panic hardware," I got a list of 49 posts that mentioned that term.  You can also go to the index and get a list of all the posts for any given category, but those lists can be pretty long too.  As an example, the Fire Door category currently has 91 posts.

By |2012-01-27T21:58:44-05:00March 27th, 2011|General Info|14 Comments
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