Lori Greene

About Lori Greene

Lori is the Manager, Codes and Resources for Allegion, and the creator of iDigHardware. With more than 35 years of experience in the door and hardware industry, in her current role she focuses exclusively on the code requirements that apply to door openings.

Anatomy of a Fire Door

Openings in fire-resistance-rated partitions are protected by fire door assemblies – also called opening protectives, an assembly of products which have been tested and listed for this purpose. These products may come from various manufacturers and can be listed by different test laboratories, but they work together as an important part of a building’s passive fire protection system...

By |2021-06-29T16:34:34-04:00May 18th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors|12 Comments

Decoded: Screen Doors and Doors in a Series

Screen doors are sometimes used in commercial or institutional occupancies, where air transfer through the opening is desired. One example of this would be a door leading from a commercial kitchen to the exterior. In some areas of the country where the climate is temperate, this is a common application which consists of two doors in the same opening, one inswinging and one outswinging. It can be very difficult for people with certain disabilities...

By |2021-06-16T13:29:35-04:00May 14th, 2015|Accessibility, Articles|5 Comments

Minnesota Rationale

This document does not technically apply to facilities located outside of Minnesota, but this reasonable insight from authorities with decades of fire safety experience can not be ignored. To me, this rationale was particularly powerful given the fact that Minnesota is the location of the 2005 school shooting at Red Lake High School, where a 16-year-0ld killed 7 people and wounded 5 others. Although the classroom doors were locked...

By |2016-01-13T11:10:08-05:00May 12th, 2015|Means of Egress, School Security|2 Comments

FF: Viral Door Problems

I love when door-related issues go viral, and "regular" people focus on doors for a change. Unfortunately, it usually takes a broken door to make people notice. Just in time for Fixed-it Friday, here's one from the Milwaukee Brewers blog, about when Bob Uecker and his crew got stuck in the radio booth during a game (click the photo to visit their blog)...

By |2015-05-08T12:17:40-04:00May 8th, 2015|Doors Gone Wrong, Fixed-it Friday|5 Comments

ALOA Keynotes – A Call to Arms for All Locksmiths

I can understand politicians would have a hard time voting against anything that’s supposed to help protect children in an active shooter situation. On the other hand, I’m not happy with the rationale that suggests that because school fires are on the decline but active shooters are on the rise, this type of locking system can be used...

By |2015-04-26T17:23:15-04:00April 28th, 2015|School Security|4 Comments

FF: Classroom Latch Preventer

These Fixed-it Friday photos depict one school's method for providing classroom security. The outside lever is kept locked at all times, so closing the door is all that's required to secure the classroom during an emergency. But having a classroom door locked all the time can be inconvenient - someone has to open the door each time a student or staff member wants to enter...

By |2015-04-24T08:28:54-04:00April 24th, 2015|Fire Doors, Fixed-it Friday, School Security|8 Comments

When is a door not a door?

A couple of months ago I wrote a post about murals in health care occupancies and a change to the 2015 edition of NFPA 101 - The Life Safety Code. I just read an article in Australian Ageing Agenda about the practice of disguising doors in memory care units, and how this affects the patients...

By |2016-05-10T13:08:09-04:00April 21st, 2015|Health Care, Means of Egress|2 Comments

FF: VA Hospital

I'm spending time at a VA hospital, where my father is currently in hospice care. Even under these circumstances I can't help looking at the hardware, and I know my father would tell me to go ahead and share it. I haven't taken many photos but there are a couple below. In case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, consider this an early Fixed-it Friday post...

By |2015-04-16T01:18:35-04:00April 16th, 2015|Fixed-it Friday, Health Care|19 Comments

Door Closer Arm Options

Most door closers used today are surface-mounted closers with a double-lever arm. These closers fall into two categories – application-specific, and universal. A universal closer is best when the field conditions are unknown, or when flexibility is a top priority. Application-specific closers give the specifier and supplier more control over how the door closer is mounted...

By |2016-10-16T22:18:39-04:00April 14th, 2015|Door Closers|7 Comments

Options for Securing Classroom Doors

Here is my second draft script for an upcoming whiteboard animation video.  I really appreciate everyone who made suggestions for yesterday's script - I have made some changes.  Please comment if there is anything I need to add or change for this video about a very important topic.

By |2016-10-16T22:18:35-04:00April 8th, 2015|School Security|7 Comments

Door Handing (video)

I have explained door handing hundreds of times during my career. I know some people still use the "butt-to-the-butts" method, but that doesn't work for all door openings because it doesn't take into account whether the door is inswinging or outswinging. I explained handing on this site a while back, but just to make it more fun...

By |2017-06-01T10:10:43-04:00April 6th, 2015|Back-2-Basics, Videos|7 Comments

Fire Label Mismatch

I recently received a question from Al Rivas at Contract Hardware, which had me stumped. Al pointed out a mismatch in the opening protective requirements of the International Building Code (IBC). In the 2012 and 2015 editions, Table 716.5 establishes the required rating of the opening protectives for various types of walls...

By |2015-10-21T09:47:29-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Fire Doors|8 Comments

WW: PSA? Really??

I'm at the BHMA Codes and Government Affairs meeting in sunny Fort Lauderdale, and the "public service announcement" below was just shown during our discussion about codes that pertain to the use of barricade devices in schools.  It illustrates the marketing methods used by some of the manufacturers of these locking devices.  I will remain Wordless, but you don't have to!

By |2015-04-01T12:02:57-04:00April 1st, 2015|School Security, Wordless Wednesday|19 Comments

Cleveland Hill School’s Fire Legacy

Take a close look around the next time you’re in a school building. Notice the fire alarms, extinguishers, rescue windows and frequent drills? They can all be traced back to that fateful day, experts say. “All of that put together has made our school buildings so safe when it comes to fires,” said David G. Hess, Cleveland Hill’s director of facilities. “That fire has really made a difference.”

By |2018-02-14T09:20:36-05:00March 31st, 2015|Historical, News, School Security|2 Comments

FF: Fire Escape Exit Alarm

This photo may be one of my favorite Fixed-it Friday photos ever. It was sent to me by Michael Carney of Allegion. This application is in place on the roof door and all of the fire escape access doors in a dormitory high-rise. A very creative way to install an exit alarm, but I don't know how secure or how durable it is...

WW: School Security in the News

The Leelanau County Sheriff's Department received $128,750 from a Michigan State Police school safety grant, and Sheriff Mike Borkovich said every penny will go toward installing a tool designed to make doors impenetrable. "I think it's very much just like a caveman picking up a gigantic rock and putting it on the front of its cave," Borkovich said. "You are not going to be able to go through that door. It buys us time."

By |2017-03-28T09:52:13-04:00March 25th, 2015|News, School Security, Videos, Wordless Wednesday|16 Comments

WW: Meanwhile, in Arkansas…

A bill to change the state fire code and allow barricade devices in Arkansas schools is moving through the legislative process, despite "strong objections" from State Police Capt. Lindsey Williams, who serves as state fire marshal. Several politicians including an Arkansas state senator are investors in a company that makes barricade devices - ULockitSecurity...

By |2024-12-05T12:50:57-05:00March 18th, 2015|School Security, Wordless Wednesday|13 Comments
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