6 Locked Doors & More
I'm participating in three sessions at next week's virtual DHI conNextions conference...I hope to "see" you there!
I'm participating in three sessions at next week's virtual DHI conNextions conference...I hope to "see" you there!
This door has an arched top so the standard closer mountings won't work, but there is an alternative - a special template from LCN!
Actually, I've been here all along - writing a new post each weekday! If you haven't been receiving your daily or weekly email notifications, here's what you missed...
Sometimes people have to get creative when security is on the line! Hopefully, this unit is uninhabitable. #wordless
I'm participating in three sessions at next week's virtual DHI conNextions conference...I hope to "see" you there!
An interesting product came across my desk recently, which is designed to allow hands-free operation of restroom doors. Have any of you tried it yet? WWYD?
Harry Porosky of Integrated Openings Solutions sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo. This looks like it's going to be a pretty expensive fix.
A change to the 2021 edition of the IBC seems to allow egress doors in some health care units to have mechanical locks in the direction of egress, instead of fail safe electrified locks. WWYD?
Do you see any problems with today's Wordless Wednesday photo? While this might seem like an easy way to secure these doors, I have some concerns.
Safe Schools Week is nearly here and we have a fantastic webinar coming up, along with 4 more sessions from our national trainers on Webinar Wednesday, and the next Security in 30!
Fire door assemblies with counterfeit labels - am I the only one who finds this an extremely disturbing idea? Who knows how these doors will perform if there is a fire???
I can't say for sure that is a fire door assembly, but I've seen this Fixed-it Friday application on fire doors many times in school gymnasiums.
Here are the answers to Tuesday's real-world questions about the egress requirements for this mosque in Dubai. Read the other post first if you want to give it a try.
One silver lining to the pandemic may be the increased focus on gatherings that in many cases include too many people - not only for social distancing but for egress and life safety.
It's one thing to read an article or watch a video about code requirements for doors and hardware, but how about applying what you've learned using a real project?
The online training offered by our national trainers for the last 20(!) Webinar Wednesdays will continue into October. Here's what's scheduled for this week...
Jennifer Schaffer posted today's Fixed-it Friday photo on the Crap Locksmithing Facebook page, and it seems like an appropriate "fix" for a Friday...
I've recently had several people ask how multiple changes in level within a door opening are considered by the accessibility standards. WWYD?
At first glance, the problem with this Wordless Wednesday photo may not immediately be apparent...do you see what's causing the egress concern?
Do you have some free time on Saturday? I'll be participating in a (free) virtual trade show and I'd love to have you stop by my virtual booth and visit!
Ten years ago I wrote my very first Decoded article, and the column has run continuously since December of 2010. Who knew I'd have so much to write about??
Fire door assemblies aren't just something you read about in NFPA 80 - they have an important role in the passive fire protection of a building. Here's another fire door win!
NFPA Journal: Safety is created by an ecosystem made up of codes, skilled workers, regular enforcement, and public understanding.
Yet another restaurant exit that leaves me #wordless. Posted in the Fire and Life Safety Inspectors Facebook group by Nancy Naber-Van Voorhees.
Our national training team has 4 more webinars on the schedule for the next Webinar Wednesday online classes - happening tomorrow!
The 2021 editions of the model codes have been modified, separating the limitations on the force used to open the door from the force used to operate the hardware.
I'm curious about this "self-cleaning" wrap installed on a door pull at a restaurant entrance. Do any of you have experience with this technology?
The Steel Door Institute (SDI) just released a new video that covers the annual inspection requirements for fire door assemblies. Feel free to share it!
Do you remember back in July when I shared crazy Wordless Wednesday photos of how a flash flood affected some doors? Well, here's a WW video of a similar incident!
I'm finishing up my presentation for the DHI conNextions conference - covering the changes to the 2021 model codes, and I need your help!!
Not too many people would be walking down a hospital corridor and notice the problem shown in today's Fixed-it Friday photo. Can you see it?
I know that most of us have seen projects with wonky door numbering...what would you do if you could start from scratch and number the openings the right way?
Today's Wordless Wednesday photo shows a university weight room, where students allegedly "modified" the hardware so that the door would not be lockable.
In case you missed Paul Timm's webinar last week, the recording is now available. And...our national trainers will be conducting 4 live sessions tomorrow.
I have been asked so many times - hundreds - whether it's ok to lock a door in the direction of egress, and unlock it only in an emergency...the answer is almost always "NO!"
It still amazes me that people with seemingly no understanding of the code requirements will make modifications to their doors that could result in injury or even death.
Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) is a UK-based organization dedicated to fire door safety. Sharing this information about US fire doors could improve building safety.
I just love imagining you guys and gals spotting a door with a problem and thinking, "I need to take a picture for Lori!" Keep them coming! :D
Confused about the various code sections that apply to electrified hardware? These questions will guide you in the right direction.
I think it's safe to say that "back-to-school" looks different for everyone this year. This Thursday, Paul Timm will be presenting a webinar on adjustments to schoool security protocols.
This was the result of a school maintenance manager’s attempt to unlock a door that was not on the key system. I think I would have broken the glass, but whatever works.
In the 2018 edition of NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code, requirements for alcohol-based hand-rub dispensers for new and existing schools are found in Sections 14.4.4 and 15.4.4.
Michael Wallick of Kelley Brothers sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo of an "emergency exit" in what looks like a thrift store (I love thrift stores!). What can I say? #wordless
Here's what our national trainers have on the online training schedule for tomorrow, and an additional webinar for security integrators on Friday.
Is it acceptable for a locksmith who is not AAADM certified to perform work on automatic doors - if the work is not part of the automatic operating system? WWYD?
If you see any situations like this, I'd love a photo to help share ideas for Fixed-it Friday "fixes" that ensure all safety requirements are met.
Hand sanitizer is not normally within my area of expertise, but I've been receiving questions about it so I checked to see what NFPA had to say.
These WW photos illustrate a creative attempt at meeting the requirements for stairwell reentry, while inadvertently voiding the fire door label.
Last week I asked if you knew of any podcasts on codes, doors, or anything related to iDigHardware, and Facebook sent me a list!
I'll bet this is happening even more often now, due to concerns about the transmission of germs. Yet another reason to go to touchless actuators.