Fire Doors

Decoded: Fire Door Assembly Inspections in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings

My next Decoded article for Door Security + Safety magazine highlights the importance of fire door assembly inspections in multi-unit residential buildings. Enforcing the inspection requirements and repairing deficiencies will undoubtedly save lives.

By |2021-11-30T23:08:16-05:00June 22nd, 2021|arch, Articles, FDAI, Fire Doors, Full Width|2 Comments

FDAI – Why?

As I talk to people about fire door assembly inspection, two sides of the discussion have emerged.  Many understand the increased life safety and fire protection provided by code-compliant fire doors - others think the deficiencies are too overwhelming to address.

By |2021-04-27T12:45:11-04:00March 18th, 2021|arch, FDAI, Fire Doors, hc|2 Comments

Decoded: Corridor Doors in Health Care Occupancies

Past fires in hospitals and nursing homes - and the resulting fatalities - have shaped the codes that we use today.  Although today’s codes do not typically require patient room doors to be fire door assemblies, these doors provide a critical layer of protection for patients.

By |2021-11-30T23:08:57-05:00March 11th, 2021|arch, Articles, Fire Doors, Full Width, hc, Health Care|40 Comments

Application of the PASS Guidelines (and more!)

There's more virtual training available this week, and an early notification of a session being hosted next week by DHI and DSSF. This webinar covers application of the 5th edition of the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools Guidelines.

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