Fire Doors

Decoded: Communicating Doors Between Sleeping Rooms (February 2016)

A door opening between two adjoining hotel rooms is called a communicating door, and is created by installing two doors within one frame - each swinging in the opposite direction. The purpose of these doors is to allow convenience for family or friends sharing two hotel rooms, but the doors also provide security between the two rooms when occupied by separate parties...

By |2015-12-22T10:38:25-05:00December 7th, 2015|Articles, Fire Doors|20 Comments

Q&A – Do pairs of fire doors require astragals?

NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors & Other Opening Protectives no longer includes a prescriptive requirement for certain pairs of fire doors to have astragals. In the 1999 edition of this standard (and prior editions), an overlapping astragal was required for pairs of doors rated for more than 1 1/2 hours. In the 2007 edition, the requirement for an overlapping astragal was removed, and the use of the astragal is dependent on the manufacturer's listing procedures...

By |2021-07-05T16:36:32-04:00December 7th, 2015|Fire Doors, Q&A|10 Comments

‘Borderline national crisis’ in fire safety, says BWF-CERTIFIRE chairman

This press release is from UK-based BWF Certifire, but the US faces the same fire door problems that are endangering building occupants every day. Kudos to BWF Certifire for raising awareness of the value of fire doors...we NEED a similar program in the US, but who is willing to take it on? Scroll down for an informative video produced by the British Woodworking Foundation...

By |2015-11-30T12:04:28-05:00November 30th, 2015|Fire Doors, News, Videos|3 Comments

Landlord Jailed for Door Failure

Jay Liptrot is a Wales landlord, and ironically - a firefighter, who failed to install a fire door assembly to protect an apartment where 2 adults and 3 children died in a tragic act of arson. Although he was originally charged with manslaughter, his charge was reduced and he was convicted and sentenced to 15 months in prison...

By |2017-08-13T08:49:06-04:00November 24th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors, News|2 Comments

Closed Door Follow-Up

On Tuesday I posted some news reports about the effects of a closed door during a fire. NBC-5 has released a follow-up story on the fact that national fire safety organizations have not been including the message to sleep with your bedroom door closed in their educational materials...

By |2015-12-16T09:59:56-05:00November 12th, 2015|Fire Doors, News, Videos|2 Comments

Field Labeling of Fire Doors and Frames

With increased enforcement of the fire door assembly inspection requirements, deficiencies will no longer be ignored. When an AHJ sees non-labeled doors or frames in a location where a fire door assembly is required, it may be an indicator of other problems with the opening protective. In the past, there were limited options...

By |2017-05-01T09:34:05-04:00September 30th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors|7 Comments

WWYD? Removable Mullion on a Fire Door Assembly

Sometimes a question crosses my desk that surprises me - it seems like after 6+ years of writing about doors and hardware every day I would have heard them all, but this was a first. I was asked to find out where in the codes it states that a removable mullion is acceptable to use on a fire door assembly...

By |2015-09-02T13:39:27-04:00September 1st, 2015|Fire Doors, WWYD?|26 Comments

Options for Securing Classroom Doors (video)

Here's the latest in our series of whiteboard animation videos explaining door-related topics. This one covers various options for securing classroom doors, in alignment with the guidelines from the National Association of State Fire Marshals. Enjoy and share!


We just got back from NYC, where we were invited to visit the FDNY fire station for Engine 320 and Ladder 167 by the developer of the Cease Fire hinge, which I wrote about last fall. The kids are working on a project to help reduce deaths in home fires, so it was a privilege to visit the station and get all of their questions answered...

By |2018-01-22T13:37:25-05:00July 7th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors|2 Comments

Why We Don’t Have to Destroy the Fire Code to Save Lockdown, Lt. Joseph Hendry

You may remember a guest blog post from Lieutenant Joseph Hendry, who is with the Kent State University Police Department and the ALICE Training Institute. Lt. Hendry has an article in this month's Campus Safety Journal, on the challenges created by using barricade devices for classroom lockdown. Here's my favorite part...

By |2016-01-28T12:02:43-05:00June 22nd, 2015|Fire Doors, Means of Egress, School Security|1 Comment

Anatomy of a Fire Door

Openings in fire-resistance-rated partitions are protected by fire door assemblies – also called opening protectives, an assembly of products which have been tested and listed for this purpose. These products may come from various manufacturers and can be listed by different test laboratories, but they work together as an important part of a building’s passive fire protection system...

By |2021-06-29T16:34:34-04:00May 18th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors|12 Comments

FF: Classroom Latch Preventer

These Fixed-it Friday photos depict one school's method for providing classroom security. The outside lever is kept locked at all times, so closing the door is all that's required to secure the classroom during an emergency. But having a classroom door locked all the time can be inconvenient - someone has to open the door each time a student or staff member wants to enter...

By |2015-04-24T08:28:54-04:00April 24th, 2015|Fire Doors, Fixed-it Friday, School Security|8 Comments

Fire Label Mismatch

I recently received a question from Al Rivas at Contract Hardware, which had me stumped. Al pointed out a mismatch in the opening protective requirements of the International Building Code (IBC). In the 2012 and 2015 editions, Table 716.5 establishes the required rating of the opening protectives for various types of walls...

By |2015-10-21T09:47:29-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Fire Doors|8 Comments

NASFM: Classroom Door Security and Locking Hardware

The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) has posted a document on their website which offers that support, by providing guidance on the use of classroom door security and locking hardware. The 6-page document includes a suggested classroom door checklist, with code references for each item on the list...

2015 Edition of the Allegion Code Reference Guide

As most of you know, the code development cycle is typically 3 years, which means that the codes are constantly evolving. The 2015 editions of the International Building Code (IBC) and NFPA 101 - The Life Safety Code were recently released, and I have revised the Allegion Code Reference Guide to include these changes...

By |2015-03-10T09:16:52-04:00March 10th, 2015|Accessibility, Fire Doors, Means of Egress|1 Comment

Decoded: 2015 IBC Roundtable

If you are a member of the New England Chapter of DHI I hope you already know about this upcoming class, but in case you didn't get the memo...I will be teaching a code class next week along with Jeff Batick, Greg DeGirolamo, Paul Goldense, and Jim White.  This class will be available for other DHI chapters to teach, as long as there are a few members who can act as facilitators.  If you're interested in hosting the class, drop me an email and I'll get you in touch with the right person at DHI.  We are using the 2015 IBC for next week's class, but it could be taught using other editions of the IBC if necessary.  The class is worth 9 DHI CEP points, with 4 additional points for the facilitators.

By |2015-03-02T21:27:29-05:00March 2nd, 2015|Accessibility, Fire Doors, Means of Egress, News|0 Comments

FF: Missed Opportunity

This Fixed-it Friday news report about replacing entrance doors in multi-family homes makes a few good points, but misses out on the chance to educate people about how their fire doors should operate.  I noticed a few things that weren't 100% accurate or could have been more the statement that you don't need fire doors in your single-family home.  I would have mentioned the need for protection between the garage and the house - the International Residential Code requires a solid wood door, or a solid or honeycomb core steel door, or a 20-minute fire door:

By |2015-02-26T10:32:53-05:00February 27th, 2015|Fire Doors, Fixed-it Friday, News|6 Comments

Close the Door Please, I’m Busy in Here – Kelly M. Byrne

What I like about the Rescue 2 Training post is that it gives the firefighter perspective on why a closed door can be so helpful during a fire. If every firefighter understood the value of fire doors (and other doors), imagine how much more attention the non-compliant doors would get...

By |2017-01-25T18:01:38-05:00February 9th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors|0 Comments

Decoded: Electrified Hardware Refresher (April 2015)

There are 7 basic code categories for electrified hardware used to control access or egress, and this edition of Decoded provides a brief refresher on each as well as some recent code changes. Many of these code applications, but not all, fall into the category commonly called “special locking arrangements.”

Another Fire Door Win

Although the news reports are focused on the recent loss of a historic school in Champlain, New York, a fire door between the original section and a 1960's addition did help to prevent the spread of smoke and flames:

By |2015-01-19T11:31:25-05:00January 19th, 2015|Fire Doors, News|0 Comments

Fire Door Win! (and a fail)

Reporter Quote: "The people who ran from the room where the fire began left the door open behind them, and the fire quickly spread into the hallway..." Fire Department Quote: "There's a fire door that separates the two compartments of that wing, and it did its job..."

By |2015-01-16T10:53:36-05:00January 16th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors, News|0 Comments

HMMA 850-14: Fire Protection and Smoke Control Rated Hollow Metal Door and Frame Products

The Hollow Metal Manufacturers Association (HMMA) is a division of the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM), and publishes more than two dozen reference documents related to hollow metal doors and frames...

By |2016-07-20T10:56:10-04:00January 15th, 2015|Doors & Frames, Fire Doors|0 Comments
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