WW: Retail at the Beach
When some people go to the beach, they take photos of sunsets and sea creatures. I take photos of doors, panic hardware, and non code-compliant attempts to mitigate water infiltration. Enjoy! :)
When some people go to the beach, they take photos of sunsets and sea creatures. I take photos of doors, panic hardware, and non code-compliant attempts to mitigate water infiltration. Enjoy! :)
Do these doors on a college library meet the requirements of the International Building Code (IBC)? Why or why not? WWYD if you were the AHJ?
Although electromagnetic locks are easier than some other electrified hardware to retrofit, I try to avoid using them in schools whenever possible. How about you?
As I have mentioned before, it's one thing to look at a code or standard and see a book. It's another thing to look at a code or standard and understand the driving force behind it.
While most dwelling units and sleeping units are allowed to have hardware on the entrance door that requires two operations to unlatch, there are a couple of important considerations.
During a segment of NFPA Live, Robert Solomon, Division Director of NFPA, was asked about barricade devices on egress doors.
Today's my birthday and I've got a Wordless Wednesday present for you. Look closely at this grocery store exit...any theories about what is happening here, or how it operates in an emergency?
Because of some photos and videos making the rounds on social media, I've received quite a few emails about the use of murals to disguise doors in memory care units.
One of the difficulties faced by those of us advocating for code-compliant school security is the public perception that many states are allowing classroom barricade devices. This is not true...
Jim Elder of Secured Design not only saw this situation and sent me these Wordless Wednesday photos, he alerted employees of the store about the problem. Kudos to Jim!
Over the past year I've been collecting school security information from various states, and adding links to the school security page of iDigHardware. Last week I received an advisory from Greg Thomson of Allegion, that made me so happy I got a little misty.
Technically these classroom doors were probably decorated for Veterans Day but they're the most patriotic doors I could find. What do you think...code-compliant or not?
What do you think about these mini doors? Any code issues?
Does a delayed egress lock have to be rearmed manually after power failure and fire alarm release, or only when the 15-second timer is activated by an attempt to exit?
See anything odd in these Wordless Wednesday photos from Scott Straton of Allegion?
Can elevator lobby doors be locked, and only allow egress through the tenant space when there is a fire alarm?
Given that NFPA 3000 is a standard for preparation and response to an active shooting, how does that affect the door and hardware industry?
The School Superintendents Association (AASA) is sharing safety concerns about classroom barricade devices with their 13,000+ members. Visit iDigHardware to get a copy of the document that is being distributed.
These doors are serving a church, and currently have key-operated deadbolts at the bottom of each leaf. The deadbolts are too low for the reverends to reach comfortably.
I'm confused about this conflict between newly-adopted code requirements and what the media is reporting. Can anyone share some insight?
Ann Timme of Allegion sent me this photo the other day and it reminded me to tell you about a potential change to the International Building Code (IBC).
These Wordless Wednesday photos, from Geno Markette of Yates and Felts, are not just your run-of-the-mill padlocked-gate photos.
Why would state legislators consider removing a requirement that ensures free egress and the option of evacuating, and replacing it with language that allows just about anything?
As a last resort, I support using whatever is on hand to secure/barricade the door. But if we have time to look at the school's current situation and plan the response - is this REALLY the best we can do?
There is a lesson behind today's Fixed-it Friday photo. Upon first glance you see an exterior door locked with padlocks and a chain attached to the lever on an adjacent door. But why?
The code requirements addressing delayed egress have evolved since they were first introduced in the 1981 edition of NFPA 101 – The Life Safety Code, and that evolution continues with the 2018 editions of both NFPA 101 and the International Building Code (IBC).
Watching this news report brought a little tear to my eye. FINALLY, someone in the media is talking about both sides of the equation - safety AND security.
It seems like it must be a fairly common situation, so let me know if you have seen it before or have ideas about a solution that would be acceptable to the AHJ.
One headline that caught my eye was from the Washington Post: "Texas official says that fewer doors could mean fewer school shootings. We had experts weigh in."
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recently released a new standard - NFPA 3000 - which sets guidelines for Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER).
BHMA has proposed a change to the 2021 IBC, to create some guidelines for interlocks - called "control vestibules" in the proposed code language. We need your help to get this right!
We've all seen the back-of-house doors in shopping malls...they're often good examples of what-not-to-do.
What do you think about using a special-purpose door for security compartmentalization?
I think these Wordless Wednesday photos may permanently affect my ability to speak.
What's the problem with this door? Any ideas?
So let's say that I'm thinking about renting out my college-bound daughter's bedroom on Airbnb to help offset the cost of her books and fees. Does her bedroom door need to be a fire door? Is my house now a small hotel?
A fire station? REALLY?? This reminds me of a fire station I visited a while back...
I'm hoping this piece sums up the concerns associated with classroom barricade devices and can be used as reference material when discussing options for school security.
I recently ran across a Facebook page that could supply us with Fixed-it Friday photos until the end of time (or until I retire).
Today's Wordless Wednesday photos came from Colin Watson of Allegion, who saw this sign in a coffee shop. I guess this is one way to address a non-code-compliant door.
In an emergency, the ability to quickly evacuate can be key to survival. Life safety is everyone's responsibility. If you see something, say something.
Here is one state fire marshal's answer to the school security question. What do you think?
It is just me, or does it seem like antique stores often have creative ways of deterring egress?
Is it acceptable to lock the roof access door on the roof side, to prevent access from the roof into the building?
Today's Wordless Wednesday photos are from a very large expo center. Although the creative slide bolt was unlocked when the photo was taken, it's scary to think about the potential for human error, or lack of egress for firefighters who might be in the building when it is otherwise unoccupied.
Yes, there is an exit sign above this door.
"He believes school officials could do more to prepare teachers for intruders, whether by investing in padlocks so they aren’t scrambling for ways to barricade doors..."
Manual sliders are not always allowed in a means of egress, since the model codes require side-hinged or pivoted swinging doors for most locations. The International Building Code (IBC) currently contains 9 exceptions where swinging doors are not required.
It's too bad someone at this facility didn't ask for help BEFORE coming up with these locking "solutions." :(
I'll just leave this right here. Zoom in, look around, and share your thoughts in the reply box.