iDigHardware: Sweet 16!
Sixteen years ago this week, iDigHardware was born. I'm feeling a little nostalgic, so today's post is a bit of a look back along with a note of thanks - to YOU!
Sixteen years ago this week, iDigHardware was born. I'm feeling a little nostalgic, so today's post is a bit of a look back along with a note of thanks - to YOU!
2024 has been a year of milestones and accomplishments. I celebrated 30 years of working with the Allegion brands, and the 15th anniversary of iDigHardware. And there's more to come in 2025!
BHMA's new online course is called An Overview of Architectural Hardware Standards & Product Certification, and offers continuing education units for various organizations, including AIA.
I don't know what kind of monster I will create next or how long it will take before the crying starts again, but I'm very fortunate to have the help of Mark Kuhn, FDHI, AHC, EHC, CFDAI, DHT, DHC, CDT, CSI!
I love this resource from BHMA and I'm excited to share the news that the 2024 edition of Codes in Context for the IBC and IFC is now available on BHMA's website!
I recently found out that I had received a Legends of the Lock Industry Award, in memory of the late editor-in-chief of Locksmith Ledger, Gale Johnson. What an honor!
Several people have recently mentioned to me that they have not been receiving their email notifications of new posts on iDigHardware. The good news's an easy fix!
Imagine how great it would be if you could ask a computer a code question, and feel confident about the answer!! I would actually welcome that technology if it was accurate!
Last week, I published a couple of posts while attending the BHMA meetings in Nashville. An iDigHardware reader asked me what the organization was all about and why I was part of it.
I can hardly believe that my "4th baby" - iDigHardware - is 15 years old. During this milestone year, we will be making some changes to iDigHardware, and I need your help!
We're currently searching for the next cohort for our Sales Development and Specification Writer Apprentice Programs. Do you know someone who is graduating from college in May of 2024? Check out today's post for more information.
Yesterday I received phone calls, emails, post comments, and texts about an error message that some of you were receiving when trying to access iDigHardware. Everything seems to be fine now, but if you experience any issues, let me know!
Although hardware schedules look like Greek to most people, there is a specific order for the products listed there. Today's post addresses the sequence used in the U.S. as well as the European method.
I'm on my way to the BHMA Spring Technical Committee Week, so today I'm sharing a helpful BHMA resource. Hardware Highlights are one-page summaries for each ANSI/BHMA A156 series standard - there are 42 in the series. Check out this post for the link!
To help support our international readers, I will be sharing some posts from the Allegion team around the world. Today's post comes from Hamza Ali DHT and Sushil Kumar Dip GAI, both of Allegion.
I am wearing my BHMA Marcom Chair hat today...if you are an architect or specifier, I would love to have 5 minutes of your time to take a short survey that will help guide some of the organizations' upcoming initiatives. Thanks in advance!
A recent article in the International Code Council's Building Safety Journal addresses the critical role that the International Building Code (IBC), International Fire Code (IFC), and International Residential Code (IRC) play in how architects design buildings.
Why is this a Wordless Wednesday post? Because I am flattered to the point of wordlessness by the article that the Yankee Security Convention shared about me. An "industry icon and lockstar"?? Just one of many!! :D
I was teaching a class recently and someone asked, "So Lori, Did you choose the code life or did the code life choose you?" When I started learning about the codes that affect doors and hardware, I had no master plan...
As the theme of the March issue of Door Security + Safety is talent and workforce development, my next Decoded column includes some of the code-related resources that I have shared here on
If you're a frequent visitor to iDigHardware, you know that I often answer "Quick Questions" sent in by readers. To date, I have posted more than 100 of these questions and answers on the site, and today I have made it easier to revisit them when you need to.
The start of the new year is a great time to get organized and initiate productive changes that will carry us forward into the future. I'm excited about what's next - you can read about it in today's post!
I have added a new link to the Codes page on iDigHardware, where you can find information about code adoption as well as links for free access to some of the codes and standards that we refer to regularly. Thanks to John Woestman of BHMA for the tip on FEMA's BCAT!
There’s a rumor going around that I am retiring. I have to admit, there are days when I’m tempted to throw a big party and pretend to retire so I can go underground and get some work done, but my planned retirement date is still several years away.
I just got an email from a coworker in Korea, who said that it had been a long time since he had seen me, but that he was listening to one of my webinars so it was like I was right there with him. :) If you're feeling like you haven't seen me lately, check out this episode of DoorTalk!
I couldn't come up with an answer to this tough question from the ICC: "If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title would be?" Any ideas?
About 10 years ago, a wise man (the company president at the time) told me that someday I would not be able to handle the network I was creating. He was right. iDigHardware just turned 12 years old, and we're making a few changes.
We are now beginning a new code development cycle for the International Building Code, and NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code will follow soon. This gives us an opportunity to propose changes to the codes that affect door openings the most...
Actually, I've been here all along - writing a new post each weekday! If you haven't been receiving your daily or weekly email notifications, here's what you missed...
Anyone know what "loiding" is? How about a "mute"? To find out, click here to download the DHI Glossary of Architectural Hardware Terms.
I hope that you enjoy time with family and friends over the next week or so, and I'll see you all in 2020!
Are you headed to Cleveland this week for the DHI ConNextions conference? I hope to see you there!
If you are looking for some continuing education credit, or just want to learn more about collaborating on a door hardware specification, here's your chance!
Last call! And in addition to the randomly-selected winners of the 10th anniversary contest, I have a gift for someone who has been a loyal reader since the very beginning.
This is the last week of the 10th anniversary celebration, but there's still time for you to register to win - AND to learn more about the resources available on iDigHardware!
You asked for an improved search feature to help you find what you're searching for in iDigHardware's library of 2,300+ it is!
iDigHardware has been celebrating our 10-year anniversary for several months, and the party will continue through September, with your chance to win one of the daily or weekly prizes!
I know...things look different, but everything should be in its usual place. If not, let me know and I'll do what I can to make this a painless change!
In honor of the 10th anniversary of this site (and to celebrate my oldest daughter's graduation), I have escaped to Italy. Do not panic...
I'm off for the holiday weekend and I hope you are too! Next week I'll have a long-awaited gift for you all! Be safe, and Close Before You Doze!
My man-behind-the-curtain (web guy - Robert Drake from Creekside) told me recently that iDigHardware is the "old lady" among his clients. It's time for the old lady to get a facelift!
I'll be out of the office for the Memorial Day holiday. See you tomorrow!
A couple of weeks ago I posted Part 1 of my new Decoded crossword's Part 2! I would appreciate any feedback before the March issue of Door Security + Safety goes to print.
If you remember my last Decoded crossword puzzle you may find it hard to believe that I created it 4 years ago! Let's see if you've been paying attention!
I am still alive, but I'm going to need your positive healing vibes and tolerance for the foreseeable future.
Have you ever been reading a post on iDigHardware and wished you could save it to refer back to later? In the Olden Days I used to keep printed articles in my binder called "Important Stuff" (no lie). Here's an alternative.
Many people have asked if they can share my content in their newsletters, on their blogs, or in hard copy. In my quest to become irrelevant before I reach retirement age, I say YES!
Thanks for all your support, and see you in 2018!
For weeks, it feels like I've been waking up to bad news. Earthquakes, floods, fires, now yet another mass shooting...
There are a couple of great resources for finding out more information about the state code requirements as well as the model codes and referenced standards.