FF: Canadian Ingenuity
My friend Bill Elliott sent me these photos from a recent trip to Canada. The hold-open device is pretty crafty, but check out the non-slip surface on the ramp!
My friend Bill Elliott sent me these photos from a recent trip to Canada. The hold-open device is pretty crafty, but check out the non-slip surface on the ramp!
For those of us concerned with egress requirements, disguising the egress side of a door is a questionable method of preventing elopement, since egress doors must be readily distinguishable...
Jon Dudley from Allegion sent me this Fixed-it Friday photo after being called out to a hospital because of a panic device that was not functioning properly. The access control system would operate the device electrically, but two self-tapping screws had been installed on the underside of the device which prevented the touchpad from being actuated manually.
Another creative locking solution for Fixed-it Friday...I wonder if they lost the key to the trim cylinder, or if they are trying to keep the guy with the key out at certain times (when the padlock is in place)...
I know some of you (door closer lovers) will be very excited by today's Fixed-it Friday special edition! Nathan Burkhardt of Opening Technologies sent me these photos from a California office building of something I've never seen before - an automatic operator on a stall door, with the new style vertical bar actuators...
After Tuesday's school shooting in Oregon, there were several news reports about a school security product developed by a group of teachers. It's called "The Sleeve," a steel sleeve that fits over the door closer arm to prevent an intruder from opening the classroom door from the corridor...
Fire doors are required to have an active latchbolt, so fire exit hardware (panic hardware for fire doors) is not equipped with a mechanical dogging mechanism that could be used to hold the latch retracted. When the lack of dogging creates an inconvenience, creative modifications sometimes occur. The added slidebolt on this fire exit hardware will prevent the fire door from functioning properly during a fire. I wonder what the insurance company would have to say about that.
This video is pretty amazing. Swallows nesting in a university parking garage could have been locked in when doors were added to convert the garage to the campus bike center. Is this an example of the swallows' intelligence, or dumb luck?...
What do you think, lock fans?...
This one goes out to my friends at Von Duprin Tech Support...I don't think I've ever seen this particular modification before. How about you?...
These doors are fire doors and also a marked exit, so a) replacing the fire exit hardware with surface bolts negates the positive latching, b) the rim strike that has been installed with the rim panic is not acceptable for use on a fire door, c) the guide rails prevent the inactive leaf from opening...
I realize that almost-daily emails from me might be too much for some people, so we Fixed-it. There is now a weekly notification available, which will send you 1 email per week, on Friday afternoon, with a list of that week's posts...
Here is yet another creative Fixed-it Friday method of holding open what I strongly suspect is a fire door based on the wire glass. If anyone has come up with a good process for educating custodians or other maintenance personnel about fire doors, I'm all ears!
Paul Goldense of Goldense Building Products sent me these photos, taken in a 6-bay heavy truck repair garage. Lots of torches, welders, flammables, and other hazards present. Instead of replacing the door on the left, someone adept at welding Fixed-it...
These photos illustrate one school's "fix" with regard to security on the cafeteria and gymnasium - unfortunately it happens to be completely non-code-compliant...
First, a few things...For everyone who still has their fingers and toes crossed from yesterday's fire door test, the wood doors passed! In addition to addressing the perimeter clearance problems, a door shoe was tested...
My plan for harnessing the power of the Earth's population to identify and respond to code problems is working! This antique store must have some REALLY valuable antiques in it, but it's ok because someone has Fixed-It...
Here's a little Fixed-it Friday quiz...how could this field modification have been avoided?...
The 5th and final recipient of a $50 Amazon gift card in honor of iDigHardware's 5th birthday is Brian Adrian of DH Pace! Brian sent me a great collection of his favorites, some of which I'm saving for future posts, but check out this Fixed-It Friday winner...
All is not well...
This photo from Linda Varnadore of Allegion left me Wordless, but I couldn't wait until next Wednesday to share it. I guess this qualifies as a Fixed-it Friday photo, since someone obviously fixed whatever problems this fire door had by holding it open for the foreseeable future. :(
The design blogs and architectural sites are all abuzz about these doors designed by Austrian artist Klemens Torggler. I agree - they are very cool and it's about time someone invented an alternative to the hinge, which has been around for thousands of years. Let's not ruin the party by mentioning security, egress, durability, accessibility, fire resistance, or chopped off fingers, and just enjoy the innovation. :D
Instead of maintaining the fire exit hardware on this pair of fire doors, the rods and most of the latches were removed and an exit alarm was installed. The most disturbing part is that there are doors like this EVERYWHERE...fire doors and egress doors that will no longer perform as designed, tested, and required by code, because of lack of maintenance or improper modifications. And without widespread adoption of the fire and egress door inspection requirements, we're left to address these problems one door at a time. In each fatal fire the main focus seems to always be on sprinklers, but compartmentalization is key to preventing the spread of smoke and flames. It goes without saying that code-compliant egress is a life safety feature which can't be compromised.
I live just outside of Boston and I'm so tired of the cold winter weather we've had this year. I went to a meeting last week and the entrance to the meeting room was from an interior corridor, but there was an exterior door at the end of the corridor nearby. I noticed that the closer on the interior door had an allen wrench stuck in the adjustment valve. I asked someone who worked in the facility why it was there (like I didn't know), and he told me that they leave it there permanently because they have to adjust the closer every time the outside temperature gets above or below a certain point. Otherwise, on cold days the interior door to the meeting room creeps closed, letting in the colder air from the corridor, and on warmer doors the door slams shut. LCN's all-weather fluid (supplied standard), would have helped here...it will maintain the same viscosity for temperatures between 120 degrees F and -30 degrees F, so seasonal adjustment is not required.
I know some of you will have something to say about this video, sent to me by Jim Elder of Secured Design...the ease of lock bumping, code-compliance of the product, ineffectiveness of deadbolts, double-sided tape...what do you think? The national security expert explains the product at 3:25.
From Stephen Richardson and Joe Beeman of Allegion, here's a hinge modification they saw recently. Would you consider this acceptable? Why / why not?
If any of you attended DHI's AH2 class in Savannah, Georgia back in the Good Old Days, you may have had one of my all-time favorite instructors - Bob Jutzi. I actually use a lot of his techniques when I teach, to try to make my classes more engaging and dare I say "fun"? I don't have a flat-cat Earl, but I still have the monkey from my AH2 class (and a monkey arm from another year). Bob sent me the photos below so if you want to leave him a "howdy" you can do so in the comments.
The other day I ran across this glass globe doorknob, which allows you to see into the next room before you enter. Pretty cool design, but not without its challenges, especially if it's not available with 1-way viewing. I could use it to spy on my kids to see if they're playing video games when they're supposed to be sleeping, but I don't want them to be able to check to see if the coast is clear before leaving their bedroom to make a run to the cookie jar.
I just realized that this post had not been published yet...but it's still Friday! Enjoy the weekend!
I will admit...new mortise locks can be pricey. Luckily they usually last for decades. But there comes a time when even a heavy duty mortise lock needs to retire.
When you're faced with an opening where a floor stop or wall stop just won't work, you could use an overhead stop. If that's not enough protection, you could use a door closer with advanced variable backcheck (AVB), which starts the backcheck (cushioning effect) earlier in the opening cycle and keeps the door from gaining momentum. Or you could get creative and make your own stop, cover it with carpet so it looks pretty, and then buy a new door...
For the record, I DO know what happened here...do you? I've only seen this one other time in my travels. This photo is from Lloyd Seliber of Keying Solutions from Macau, China.
Eric Paul of Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies sent me these photos of another school lockdown product that a local school was using. The lock is kept locked, and the add-on product keeps the latchbolt retracted until there's an emergency and the teacher needs to lock the door. This product can not be used on fire doors, which need to latch. Have any of you ever seen or used this product? Comments?
Today's Fixed-It Friday photos are fabulous!! Maybe I should add another F. :)
Depending on where this door is located, this creative solution either creates a security breach, or indicates that the wrong lock function was specified. Thanks to Greg Koers of Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies for sharing!
Every school is looking for affordable ways to lock their classroom doors in an intruder situation. A group of students at Benjamin Banneker High School in Washington, D.C. have designed the "DeadStop", a device that clamps onto the door closer arm to prevent the door from being opened.
Thank you to everyone who left suggestions for the name of the new Friday series. I've settled on Fixed-it Friday! With all of the creative hardware "fixes" out there, I think this series could run until I retire (don't worry, that's not for about 20 years unless I win the lotto). If you see an FF in your travels, send me a photo!
People always tell me how much they love Wordless Wednesday - the day I post photos that leave me wordless (speechless). I think the steady stream of creative applications I'm receiving would support a Friday series to help ease us into the weekends. I need some help with a catchy name for this category of posts (that doesn't contain any inappropriate language). So think about a name that goes with "Friday", and conjures up visions of creative, although sometimes misguided "solutions". If I use your idea, there's a $25 Amazon gift certificate with your name on it. Freaky Friday? Friday Funnies? Help?!