WW: Lockdown Lowdown
Since it's Wordless Wednesday, here is a photo that Jim Phillips of SBS Associates sent me from a school walk-through. Luckily the school's security precautions kept these intruders out.
Since it's Wordless Wednesday, here is a photo that Jim Phillips of SBS Associates sent me from a school walk-through. Luckily the school's security precautions kept these intruders out.
I'm losing hope.
Deputy Jeff Tock of Allegion found this "emergency exit" while he was out antiquing. I wonder how building occupants are supposed to exit in an emergency...I guess the store is not expecting one to occur.
When this story was posted on Facebook yesterday, several people attempted to address the code issues associated with the teenager's invention. A commenter posted a link to one of my articles, and another commenter called my article "a fallacy"!
8 Floors - YIKES!
Last week I posted a Wordless Wednesday video sent to me by Eyal Bedrick of Entry Systems Ltd. in Israel. The video showed an all-glass door exploding into a zillion pieces when the door opened against the sidelight.
Eyal Bedrick of Entry Systems Ltd. sent me this Wordless Wednesday video. This is one of the reasons good door control is important!
Rich Howard of Architectural Builders Supply sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo. I'll give it a C+ for effort, but an F for egress.
This Wordless Wednesday video is from the Daily Mail...what's missing from this application?
In certain parts of the US and Canada I've heard that it's getting chilly...here's one way to deal with that pesky problem of closer fluid that thickens in the cold weather and slows down the closing speed.
Ian Baron of Katonah Architectural Hardware sent me this link to an article in the Daily Mail, and although only a few of the fails in the article are door-related, the photos definitely left me Wordless!
This is the moment I've been dreaming of...an article in the Somerset (UK) News about someone tweeting their anger regarding the placement of a table and chair in front of an egress door!
All I can say is...wow. That's a pretty nice modification to the duct to accommodate the closer arm...
I received this Wordless Wednesday photo from both Estefano Pilonieta and Rossen Marinov, so I'm sharing it with the rest of the iDigHardware world (originally posted on Reddit)...
I really don't know what to say about this Wordless Wednesday photo, which was sent to me by Jim Heberlein of Block Iron & Supply Company. The good news is, the doors and hardware are being replaced!
Today's Wordless Wednesday photos were sent by Austin Bammann of Central Indiana Hardware. This is NOT the way I would provide security at the entrance to a school. :(
I know of several fires where the fire door protected the store from a fire in the warehouse; the doors in this photo won't be providing any protection whatsoever...
This video made the rounds on social media last week. I will refrain from commenting since it is Wordless Wednesday...
I was so excited to see this video from the Texas State Fire Marshal's office talking about egress and fire hazards, but I noticed a little problem with one of the doors. Can you find it?
Thank you to Curtis Meskus for these Wordless Wednesday photos. This pair leads to a storage room in a motel. I have a feeling these will show up in one of my nightmares sometime soon.
I give up. Not really. I will never give up.
Continuing with the Guatemalan theme (until tomorrow when I have a fire door question for you), I encountered this in a public restroom...
I. Have. No. Words.
The most amazing thing about today's Wordless Wednesday photos is that the panic hardware has been installed this way for YEARS, and on a fast-food restaurant!
This is amazing. Really. You can see ALL of the beautiful photos and read the story here on Bored Panda, but these are a few of my favorite door-related images from the article...
These photos, from Kelly Reese of Allegion, qualify for the double-whammy - Wordless Wednesday AND Fixed-it Friday. But don't worry...it is indeed Friday! Have a great weekend!
Why is it that when something goes wrong with the existing hardware, some facilities use the hardware equivalent of a band-aid rather than repairing or replacing the hardware?
"At around 8:45 p.m., Captain Michael Flot of the New Orleans Fire Department faced an angry crowd of hundreds outside of the Essence Superlounge to tell them they would not be able to see Xscape that night. 'This is the worst I've ever seen it,' Flot said."
It's that time of year again, when lots of people go on vacation - remember the road trips I used to drag all of you on? This summer I'm taking the kids to Guatemala, so I don't know how many interesting doors we'll see...
Rich McKie sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photo of a high school lobby, which was being prepared for a "Dry Grad" overnight graduation party coordinated by a parent committee...
Last week I posted a photo of the egress side of a "door" through some sheetrock that had been scored. Jonathan Mathew Taylor just sent me this photo of the other side...
I don't remember seeing anything in the model codes that supports a Kool Aid Man egress model. Do you?
Leo Lebovits of M&D Door & Hardware sent me this Wordless Wednesday photo. I'm not an expert on pull stations, but this just doesn't look right to me...
This signage designates the egress path from rooms in a small hotel / guest house in a city on the east coast. Note the exit sign over the window inside of one of the (locked) rooms, and instructions to break out the panel in the door...
Can someone explain this please?
What do you think? Is this Wordless Wednesday exit visible enough?
Call me naive, but I always assume that when tragedy strikes, people will learn from it and try to avoid similar incidents in the future. Unfortunately, ignorance mixed with greed often stand in the way of life safety...
I have no idea what happened here. Wordless...
This Wordless Wednesday photo is from the newly-deputized Joe Cross of Allegion. I have no words...at least no words that would be allowed on a corporate website...
Austin Bammann of Central Indiana Hardware sent me this Wordless Wednesday photo. You may notice that there is signage above the door stating, "This door needs to remain unlocked during business hours." Does this signage make the opening code-compliant? Why, or why not?
This is not the first time I've thought to myself...I hope everyone knows how lucky we are to have (mostly) code-compliant exits in the US...
My husband: "Do other people cry on Wednesdays or is it just you?"
These are truly some of the best Wordless Wednesday photos I've ever seen, and I even got the backstory...
I need to make an avatar of me crying, to include with these posts.
I received today's Wordless Wednesday photo from Charles Anderson, and yes - he contacted the fire marshal...
A fire marshal sent me this photo, and I'm Wordless (again). How does anyone think this is acceptable???
How is it possible that NOBODY else seems to notice stuff like this??
I was checking out the iDH stats, and I noticed that there have been a few days lately when we've almost reached 2,000 visits. Today could be the day, because I KNOW you will want to share the link to today's Wordless Wednesday photo which was sent to me by Brent Kiernan of Allegion.
I have no words, except "thank you" to Fred Phillips of Interior Supply for this Wordless Wednesday photo...
Tim Weller of Allegion sent me this Wordless Wednesday photo. I have nothing to say about it. I'm just going to cry now.