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An Army of Minions

Since I started this blog I've often thought how great it would be if JQP (John Q Public) knew the basic requirements of fire and egress doors.  What if everyone who saw a locked egress door or a propped-open fire door had a way to change the situation?  Imagine the effect this could have on life safety!  In my imaginary world, I think of these informed people as door minions, except instead of serving an evil SuperVillian, they're helping to save the world.  OK, it might be a stretch, but I saw this article the other day, giving me hope that there ARE door minions out there...

By |2016-05-18T17:02:53-04:00April 7th, 2011|Means of Egress|2 Comments

The Ballad of Carl Prinzler

Do you know who Carl Prinzler was?  Does the name ring a bell?  Carl worked in the door hardware industry back in the early 20th century, and was instrumental in developing the first exit device along with his employer, Vonnegut Hardware Company and his neighbor, Henry DuPont.  Recently Peter Wilson of Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies came across a poem by Misha Burnett called The Ballad of Carl Prinzler, and sent me the link.  I couldn't imagine who (besides me) would write a poem about Carl Prinzler, so I emailed Misha.  He is a university locksmith and while taking a poetry class he also attended a Von Duprin training class and learned about the invention of the first panic hardware after the tragic fire at the Iroquois Theater, which inspired him to write the Ballad of Carl Prinzler.

By |2017-02-15T21:29:09-05:00August 19th, 2013|Panic Hardware|7 Comments

Early Christmas Present

I'm pretty sure I asked for a PAIR of boots for Christmas, but Santa must have misunderstood.  I ended up with one walking boot after falling off of running fountain while trying to take the perfect photo of a door for y'all.  OK...actually I stepped off a little lip in a walkway while checking into our hotel in the dark and did some ligament damage.  We won't know the extent of the damage until the swelling goes down.  BUT - I did get a photo.

By |2012-12-24T17:53:39-05:00December 24th, 2012|Fire Doors, Means of Egress|25 Comments

Happy 4th!

I'm really starting to think that between photos from readers and the way the internet connects me to the world, I could just stay in my house and still have plenty of doors to write about.  I'm currently at our "camp" which depending on where you are in the country could be defined as a cottage, lake house, summer home, etc.  I usually call it our shack in the woods, because it's tiny, it needs work, and it's in the woods.  Anyway, you get the picture.

By |2017-01-25T18:00:39-05:00July 3rd, 2010|Beautiful Doors|0 Comments

LL Bean – What’s Missing?

We were on a mini-vacation earlier in the week, which is my excuse for forgetting two things.  First, my pal Zeke Wolfskehl is in search of some research that I remember hearing about but have never been able to find documentation for.  Maybe it's an urban legend, but I know that I heard/read somewhere that a pair of doors with a mullion allows more efficient egress than a pair of doors without a mullion.  Do any of you remember where that was written?  I need a lead to pursue.

By |2012-01-27T21:55:20-05:00December 30th, 2011|Push/Pull, Road Trips|11 Comments
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