Lori Greene

About Lori Greene

Lori is the Manager, Codes and Resources for Allegion, and the creator of iDigHardware. With more than 35 years of experience in the door and hardware industry, in her current role she focuses exclusively on the code requirements that apply to door openings.

Decoded: Communicating Doors Between Sleeping Rooms (February 2016)

A door opening between two adjoining hotel rooms is called a communicating door, and is created by installing two doors within one frame - each swinging in the opposite direction. The purpose of these doors is to allow convenience for family or friends sharing two hotel rooms, but the doors also provide security between the two rooms when occupied by separate parties...

By |2015-12-22T10:38:25-05:00December 7th, 2015|Articles, Fire Doors|20 Comments

Q&A – Do pairs of fire doors require astragals?

NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors & Other Opening Protectives no longer includes a prescriptive requirement for certain pairs of fire doors to have astragals. In the 1999 edition of this standard (and prior editions), an overlapping astragal was required for pairs of doors rated for more than 1 1/2 hours. In the 2007 edition, the requirement for an overlapping astragal was removed, and the use of the astragal is dependent on the manufacturer's listing procedures...

By |2021-07-05T16:36:32-04:00December 7th, 2015|Fire Doors, Q&A|10 Comments

FF: Black Friday

There are many commenters who feel that while the blocks are a danger to firefighters, they're not a code issue if the building is not occupied. If the pallets are blocking required exits, I think they are a code issue, unless one of you can find something in the International Fire Code that says the means of egress requirements only apply when the building is occupied...

By |2015-12-04T09:58:28-05:00December 4th, 2015|Fixed-it Friday, Means of Egress|8 Comments

‘Borderline national crisis’ in fire safety, says BWF-CERTIFIRE chairman

This press release is from UK-based BWF Certifire, but the US faces the same fire door problems that are endangering building occupants every day. Kudos to BWF Certifire for raising awareness of the value of fire doors...we NEED a similar program in the US, but who is willing to take it on? Scroll down for an informative video produced by the British Woodworking Foundation...

By |2015-11-30T12:04:28-05:00November 30th, 2015|Fire Doors, News, Videos|3 Comments

Landlord Jailed for Door Failure

Jay Liptrot is a Wales landlord, and ironically - a firefighter, who failed to install a fire door assembly to protect an apartment where 2 adults and 3 children died in a tragic act of arson. Although he was originally charged with manslaughter, his charge was reduced and he was convicted and sentenced to 15 months in prison...

By |2017-08-13T08:49:06-04:00November 24th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors, News|2 Comments

Classroom Barricade Follow-Up

A few weeks ago I mentioned that there would be a meeting with the Ohio Board of Building Standards to discuss the proposed code language allowing classroom barricade devices. Quite a few of you left comments, and like me, most felt that the proposed language does not go far enough to keep teachers and students safe...

By |2016-04-26T20:05:41-04:00November 17th, 2015|News, School Security|2 Comments

Closed Door Follow-Up

On Tuesday I posted some news reports about the effects of a closed door during a fire. NBC-5 has released a follow-up story on the fact that national fire safety organizations have not been including the message to sleep with your bedroom door closed in their educational materials...

By |2015-12-16T09:59:56-05:00November 12th, 2015|Fire Doors, News, Videos|2 Comments

FF: Good Luck Getting Out

Some Fixed-it Friday photos result in mixed emotions - sadness that people resort to these methods, excitement that I have something to share with you that will make you shake your head, concern that the creative application could cause harm. Like these photos from Leo Lebovits of M&D Door & Hardware, taken at a public swimming pool...

FF: To Exit, Enter Current Year

Today's Fixed-it Friday photo was found on Imgur, so I don't know where it originated. It shows the creative use of an access control keypad to control egress. If this application was used in a memory care facility, it would be code-compliant if a delayed egress system or controlled egress system was used...

Barricade Device Update (October 2015)

In the October issue of Doors & Hardware, I have an article on what took place in Ohio with regard to the state legislation on classroom barricade devices, and another article covering the myths and facts presented at the National Association of State Fire Marshals' annual conference (here's a video version of this information)...

By |2022-02-22T12:04:13-05:00October 12th, 2015|Articles, School Security|1 Comment

Introduction to Codes

Whether we’re specifying, supplying, installing, or inspecting doors and hardware, it’s our responsibility to speak up if we see situations that we know are not code-compliant and do our best to rectify them...

By |2016-05-18T16:43:28-04:00October 6th, 2015|Videos|5 Comments

Field Labeling of Fire Doors and Frames

With increased enforcement of the fire door assembly inspection requirements, deficiencies will no longer be ignored. When an AHJ sees non-labeled doors or frames in a location where a fire door assembly is required, it may be an indicator of other problems with the opening protective. In the past, there were limited options...

By |2017-05-01T09:34:05-04:00September 30th, 2015|FDAI, Fire Doors|7 Comments
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