When I search my camera roll for the word "door", 4,879 photos show up. Today's Fixed-it Friday photos are from the Milan-Malpensa Airport, where using an alarmed exit will get you in big trouble.
When I search my camera roll for the word "door", 4,879 photos show up. Today's Fixed-it Friday photos are from the Milan-Malpensa Airport, where using an alarmed exit will get you in big trouble.
Chuck Gulla of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo, which has inspired me to put drop plates on the list for the next "What's that?" post. Stay tuned, and happy Friday!
Tim Weller of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo, and I've been pondering the reason for this design as well as the function and code compliance. What do you think?
Being from the Northeast, I didn't immediately recognize the reason for this type of Fixed-It Friday ingenuity when I first saw something similar at the Hoover Dam years ago.
I saw this retail store's secondary exit while I was stocking up on my favorite snacks, and I wondered...are these "NOT AN EXIT" signs a nice-to-have or a need-to-have? What do you think?
I saw the door in today's Fixed-it Friday photo on a university campus recently. The "fix" would probably make the architect cry, but this is VERY common when the stile width is too narrow.
Paul Goldense of Goldense Building Products (one of the most creative door opening engineers I know) sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo of a rescue hardware closer alternative.
This is a true test of who the most loyal readers of iDigHardware are...what is my FAVORITE special template from LCN?? Hint: It's an ST for the 4020T closer.
Today's Fixed-it Friday post covers a "fix" that was made in the 2024 IBC - to remove the Bolt Locks section and address flush bolts (all 3 types) in a table under Locks and Latches.
With the advancements that have been made in digital media and AI, many of the images we see online and in print are created by artists, and can be good opportunities to teach about codes!
As a child of the 70's and 80's, and now a mom of three young adults, I once resisted the idea of keeping classroom doors locked during class, but times have changed. WWYD?
On a recent stop in Mexico City I saw this Fixed-it Friday application...I don't know what the building is used for, but it looks like preventing after-hours access to the cylinders is a priority.
Years ago I saw a door marked "this is not a door" on the outside and a firefighter explained the reason, but the door in the photo is marked "door blocked" on the INSIDE. Any theories?
Hal Kelton of DOORDATA Solutions sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo, and I'm curious about the reason but also surprised that someone would cut four closer shoes to make a shim. Yikes!
I received today's Fixed-it Friday photos from Herman Hauer of M&D Door...I wonder how long the closer will survive mounted this way. Any bets?
Lee Frazier of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photos, illustrating exactly why fire door assemblies need to be inspected after installation, after maintenance work, and annually!
These Fixed-it Friday photos were taken in a school...the extra strikes are intended to address the extra clearance and allow the latch to engage. Does anyone see the problem?
The focus of yesterday's "What's that?" post was the electric power transfer (EPT), but several of you noted the magnetic holder, hence today's Fixed-it Friday post.
Yesterday I posted some photos of the wicket doors I saw during a recent visit to Querétaro, Mexico, and here are a few Fixed-it Friday photos from the same trip. Enjoy the long weekend!
I see a few "fixes" here. Of course, the spoon/temporary locking device, the bottom strike adapter, and I can't help but wonder whether there's an exit sign behind that painting.
Today's Fixed-it Friday photos were sent by Manjupriya T M of Allegion-India. They were taken at the Sabarmati Ashram Museum in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Pretty cool, right??
One of my favorite retired AHJs sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photos, taken in a new grocery store. Can you spot the problem? (Hint: This is delayed egress panic hardware.)
Take a closer look at these Fixed-it Friday photos sent by Robin Greenberg of Perkins Eastman...I'm interested to hear your theories about the thought process behind this "fix."
When I saw today's Fixed-it Friday photo posted by Darren Nash on the Crap Locksmithing Facebook page, I knew I had to ask if I could share it here. Yikes!
I'm sure someone thought this was an ingenious Fixed-it Friday "fix" to prevent the use of these doors, but blocking the egress route is never acceptable.
Last week I visited this church that has been under construction for more than 20 years. The doors aren't in yet, but I'm sharing it anyway because they don't build them like this any more!
I recently walked by some of my favorite doors in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, just as they were getting a new coat of paint. I'm sharing these doors in today's Fixed-it Friday post.
A while back, I taught a class at a large university and was fortunate to have access to their fantastic training room. As with other doors on campus, they had a lockdown strategy.
Erich Russ of Jeske Hardware sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photos and I'll admit, at first I thought this was just another pair of fire doors with kick-down stops. But take a closer look...
It's hard to believe, but my third (and final) child is graduating from high school today - WOOHOO! I'll be playing hookey to enjoy the festivities, but first, here's today's Fixed-it Friday post.
I received today's Fixed-it Friday photo from Eyal Bedrik and Danny Estryk of Entry Systems Ltd., and I'm a bit Wordless. Have you seen any creative fixes lately?
There's (almost) nothing I love more than casually checking out fire door assemblies with someone from a fire test lab, and I recently had a chance to do just that! :D
Maybe I've been living under a rock, but I don't think I've ever seen this system on one of my hotel room doors. How about you? Is this a new trend in hospitality?
I saw today's classic Fixed-it Friday photo on the Locksmith Nation Facebook page, and I asked Allen Medvin for permission to post it here. Allen is not responsible for this fix!
Today's Fixed-it Friday photo of a field alteration made to a fire door assembly left me Wordless. Thank you to Blaine Youngquist of The Cook and Boardman Group for the photo.
I saw something similar to today's photos (although less elegant) at the Hoover Dam years ago, but being from New England I didn't know what problem the "fix" was addressing.
It has been a while since my trip to Italy, so I'm living vicariously through a retired AHJ, who never forgets to send me photos of the marvels of creativity that he sees in his travels. :D
Tim Weller of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photos...who can guess what led to this situation? (Not to mention what looks like an extra deadbolt!)
Marc Zolner of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo, and he asked what the codes say about having one pair locked with a cable, with four other pairs available for egress.
Every time I go backstage in a school auditorium, I see issues with the egress doors. Any ideas about what could have been done differently with this door?
I love how one of the doors in today's post was designed as a stylized version of something that is very common here - old doors that have been repaired numerous times over the decades.
Kevin Taylor of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo of an installation problem that has been "fixed" with instructional signage.
I saw this interesting Fixed-it Friday transom bar application posted by Jeremy Guthrie of Omega Door & Hardware...what do you think?
Today's Fixed-it Friday photos came from a retired AHJ...continuous hinge retrofits can be a great way to address field problems, but this one needed to go (at least) one step further.
Today's Fixed-it Friday photos are a great "before and after" example from a high school gymnasium. If you have photos you'd like to share, there's an upload link in today's post.
Earlier this week I shared photos from a college visit with my youngest daughter. I also saw this mullion on campus with a key cylinder...is anyone familiar with the purpose of the cylinder?
I received today's Fixed-it Friday photo from Jim Elder of Secured Design, LLC - it was taken in an elementary/middle school. While this seems like a simple and common fix, it can severely impact security.
Michael Conn of Allegion sent me today's thought-provoking Fixed-it Friday photo, of a restaurant's main entrance door that has been equipped with a key-operated lock (double cylinder deadbolt). "Thought-provoking?" Read on...
I received today's Fixed-it Friday photo from Peter B. Walker, of P.B. Walker & Associates. It's not a code violation, but there are definitely more attractive ways to handle this situation.
Joe Phillips of Allegion sent me today's Fixed-it Friday photo, and I'd love to hear from iDigHardware readers - under what circumstances (if any) would you install a closer this way? The photo was taken in a high school.