School Security

Construction Specifier: Battling the Barricade

In the wake of any tragedy, society struggles collectively to process the loss. For some it is the loss of friends and loved ones, but for most it is our feelings of safety and trust in the overall goodness of our fellow man that are diminished or seemingly lost entirely. In their place, we are filled with an overwhelming desire to do something...

New Ohio school barricade rules concern disability group

If a school decides to buy all new doorknobs for their school, and only buy a lever handle for the one classroom with a teacher who has a disability, in my opinion that would not meet the intent of the ADA. What makes it ok to do the same thing with classroom barricade devices?

By |2016-04-12T16:18:09-04:00April 12th, 2016|Accessibility, School Security|11 Comments

Viral Video Follow-Up

In yesterday's post I wrote about a video on classroom barricade devices that had gone viral. In the first 36 hours or so, the video had 18 million views. 18 MILLION! Almost 600,000 people have shared the video on Facebook, and about 6,500 people have commented. This is an amazing (and somewhat disturbing) example of the power of social media...

By |2016-01-28T13:57:01-05:00January 28th, 2016|School Security, Videos|14 Comments

Latest Update from Ohio

Last Friday, the Ohio Board of Building Standards posted a 434-page business impact analysis containing all of the comments submitted with regard to the proposed code change on classroom barricade devices. My comments to the board included a comparison of the recommendations made in the July 2015 OBBS Final Report vs. the proposed code language...

By |2015-12-14T13:20:41-05:00December 14th, 2015|School Security|14 Comments

Classroom Barricade Follow-Up

A few weeks ago I mentioned that there would be a meeting with the Ohio Board of Building Standards to discuss the proposed code language allowing classroom barricade devices. Quite a few of you left comments, and like me, most felt that the proposed language does not go far enough to keep teachers and students safe...

By |2016-04-26T20:05:41-04:00November 17th, 2015|News, School Security|2 Comments
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