
Gasketing on Stair Doors

If you read this paragraph in a vacuum, it seems like all fire doors have to limit the air infiltration to this level (in most cases this would require gasketing), but this paragraph falls under section 716.5.3 - Door assemblies in corridors and smoke barriers. There are two sections following 716.5.3 that apply to other types of fire doors...

By |2021-07-05T16:24:48-04:00August 25th, 2014|Fire Doors, Gasketing & Thresholds, Smoke|20 Comments

Patient Room Doors

I don't know where this week went.  I feel like I blacked out for a few days.  On top of my usual load, I had 3 classes to teach within a couple of weeks - Code Jeopardy for the Massachusetts Locksmith Association, Fire Door Inspection for the Yankee Security Conference, and a Code Update for the DHI Conference in NYC.  I had a lot of preparation to do because I hadn't taught these exact classes before, and I tend to spend a lot of time preparing so I'm less likely to pass out from fear on the big day.  Anyway...this week has been rough but I'm getting there.  I'm really looking forward to heading to NYC next Wednesday!

By |2014-02-27T10:40:22-05:00October 21st, 2011|Smoke|9 Comments

NFPA 80 & NFPA 105

Next Tuesday is the proposal closing date for the 2013 editions of NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, and NFPA 105 - Standard for the Installation of Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives.

By |2017-05-01T09:33:51-04:00November 19th, 2010|Fire Doors, Smoke|0 Comments

Smoke – Smokeproof Enclosure

According to the International Building Code (IBC), every required exit stairway that extends more than 75 feet ABOVE the lowest level of fire department vehicle access (high rise buildings), and every required exit stairway that serves floor levels more than 30 feet BELOW the level of exit discharge must comply with the referenced sections on smokeproof exit enclosures. (IBC 2009 - 403.5.4 & 405.7.2, IBC 2003 & 2006 - 403.13 & 405.8.2)

By |2012-01-27T22:07:33-05:00June 1st, 2010|Gasketing & Thresholds, Smoke|3 Comments

Smoke – NFPA 80

NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, is a document which most of us in the hardware industry began studying in our earliest hardware school courses and refer back to throughout our careers.  This standard is THE publication on fire doors, and is referenced by all of the codes and standards used in the U.S. that have anything to say about fire doors.  You'd think that because of the close relationship between fire doors and smoke doors (some fire doors ARE smoke doors, after all) that NFPA 80 would have something to say about smoke.  As it turns out, not much.

By |2014-05-28T19:57:32-04:00May 2nd, 2010|Fire Doors, Smoke|13 Comments

Smoke – NFPA 105

I usually like to start with the quick and easy items on my to-do list, which is why it takes me forever to get to the big stuff.  It's a fault, and I recognize that, but nobody's perfect.  I tried to find the easy place to start this series of posts, but there seems to be only one logical place to begin - NFPA 105.

By |2016-03-02T10:31:04-05:00April 30th, 2010|Fire Doors, Smoke|2 Comments

Smoke – The Series

It’s official.  I can’t hide from it any longer.  People ask me about “smoke doors” almost every day, but if you know me you know that I have a lot going on, so whenever I try to scale the mountain of information about this topic I get sidetracked by the little things that need my attention.

By |2012-01-27T22:07:34-05:00April 29th, 2010|Fire Doors, Smoke|1 Comment

In Case of Smoke…

I've seen plenty of inventive hold-open devices on fire-rated doors, but I've never seen instructional signage to go along with them!  Coincidentally, I received photos of a chain hold-open and the signage for a chain hold-open on the same day from two different people.  The photos are not from the same facility or even the same country for that matter.

By |2012-01-27T22:09:56-05:00October 15th, 2009|Funky Applications, Reader Photos, Smoke|4 Comments
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