Fire Doors – Everything you always wanted to know (but were afraid to ask)
I'm in the process of archiving some older articles and updating the ones that are still applicable...this one was due for an update - it's an oldie but a goodie!
I'm in the process of archiving some older articles and updating the ones that are still applicable...this one was due for an update - it's an oldie but a goodie!
Specifiers are involved during the construction process—not throughout the life of the building, but there are many ways the choices made during the specification process can affect the durability and function of fire door assemblies for years to come.
I receive so many questions about fire doors vs. smoke doors; my article from the June issue of Construction Specifier answers many of them.
In the wake of any tragedy, society struggles collectively to process the loss. For some it is the loss of friends and loved ones, but for most it is our feelings of safety and trust in the overall goodness of our fellow man that are diminished or seemingly lost entirely. In their place, we are filled with an overwhelming desire to do something...
This article is currently posted on question, “When is panic hardware required by code?” is one that many specifiers continue to struggle with because there isn't a simple answer to this seemingly simple question...
(Note: If you're in the St. Louis area, there is a school security seminar coming up on July 22th, and there's still space if you want to attend.) Today's post: I haven't posted much about traditional wired glass lately, but the hazard continues to be present in existing schools and other facilities...
The 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design went into effect in March 2012, but there are several requirements that continue to surprise architects and specifiers...
This article was published in the March 2013 issue of Construction Specifier.