
Pocket Pivots

I recently received this photo from an architect who wanted to use the Von Duprin Inpact devices pictured here on another museum I'm working on.  I've used these several times when an architect wanted the panic device powder coated a similar color to the door.  As with LCN closers, Von Duprin panic hardware can be powder coated in a multitude of colors (refer to the Tiger Drylac brochure called RAL Exterior/Interior).

Manual Flush Bolts

Here's a little reminder to make sure you size the top rod correctly when using manual flush bolts on doors that are over 7' tall.  Most manufacturers offer a top rod that is 12" (standard), 24", 36", or 48" long.  In this application, I would have probably specified panic hardware on both leaves depending on the door height and vertical rod capabilities, or an automatic flush bolt for the top bolt, which would be projected by the active leaf.  I'm not a big fan of automatic flush bolts, but a 48" long top rod might not be quite long enough to bring the bolt down to an operable height.  I have also seen hardware suppliers buy threaded rod to increase the top rod length, but at some point the rod gets too long to operate smoothly.

By |2012-01-27T22:10:02-05:00July 1st, 2009|Funky Applications, Reader Photos|1 Comment

Doors Gone Wrong

This is one of those openings that makes me cringe...yuck!  But I can't let a teachable moment go by.  Yesterday I got a call from an architect who asked whether it was acceptable to put a panic device on one leaf of a pair when only that leaf is required for egress width.  The codes aren't 100% clear on this, but I have had code officials require panics on both leaves of a pair even if only one leaf is required for egress.  You also need to consider the alternative to using panics on both leaves...a panic on one leaf and auto flush bolts on the other.  This application also requires a coordinator and overall it's a problematic application.

By |2012-01-27T22:10:03-05:00June 1st, 2009|Doors Gone Wrong, Panic Hardware|0 Comments

Double Egress Pairs

Last week someone called me with a "quick question" about a double egress pair in a hospital.  The hospital wanted to install shear locks on a pair of double egress doors, to use during emergency lock-downs.  Unfortunately, as some of you have figured out by now, I don't usually have a quick answer.  There are actually two issues here:

By |2016-06-23T21:32:04-04:00May 26th, 2009|Electrified Hardware|4 Comments

Solution for Unequal Pairs

One of the top 5 questions which I receive almost weekly is regarding the replacement of a 5'-wide equal pair with a 3'+2' unequal pair.  Because automatic flush bolts and a coordinator can be problematic, and most panic hardware will not fit on a 2' wide door, I'm constantly being asked if it's ok to use manual flush bolts on the 2' leaf.  That's a tough question to answer because the code-compliant solution isn't the best application as far as function and durability.  The IBC (2003) says this:

By |2012-07-26T17:56:08-04:00March 4th, 2009|Accessibility, Locks & Keys|2 Comments
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