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This Quick Question came up last week, and it's a good one! According to the model codes, is it acceptable to install hold-open devices on corridor doors in a health care facility?
I recently updated an article for Campus Safety Magazine, and I am sharing a few of the statistics and sources with you in today's post. You might find some of them surprising.
The church in today's Fixed-it Friday photos had a rustic but effective "fix" for locking the front doors, and some less fantastic fixes in the interior. It's a spectacular building!
Sixteen years ago this week, iDigHardware was born. I'm feeling a little nostalgic, so today's post is a bit of a look back along with a note of thanks - to YOU!
Lee Frazier of Allegion sent me today's Wordless Wednesday photos, taken while attending a hockey game at an arena with a capacity of more than 20,000 people. WWYD?
If you're a frequent reader of iDigHardware, you've heard me mention the work of the BHMA CGIA. Check out this article published in Locksmith Ledger for more on this important industry organization.
I can't believe I first wrote this article 10 years ago! An AHJ recently asked me about calculating the egress width of a door, so I've updated this article with current code references.
Last week, someone asked me about information addressing the changes for door openings between the 2018 and 2024 editions of the IBC. Thanks to BHMA, the answer was easy!
I'd be surprised if I could go into a hotel and NOT find an egress, accessibility, or fire door problem, but this one had several. Have you seen any Wordless Wednesday doors lately?
iDigHardware Readers - I need your help! Someone recently asked me about options for software to do fire door inspections, but I've decided to expand the question.