classroom doorIn December of 2018, Campus Safety Magazine published an article discussing the potential problems associated with non-code-compliant classroom barricade devices.  The publication shared that they would no longer accept advertising or sponsorships from companies manufacturing security products that did not comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes.  This decision was applauded by the ASIS International School Safety & Security Council, the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS), the Door Security and Safety Foundation (DSSF), and the Door and Hardware Institute (DHI).

After the November 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan, the Campus Safety article was reposted, with an update from the editor who referenced claims that barricade devices were used to keep the active shooter out of the classrooms during the shooting.

The article has recently been updated yet again, when an independent report on the 2021 Oxford shooting was released.  The Campus Safety editor noted the report addresses when and how the barricade devices were deployed during the tragic mass shooting, while also explaining the challenges and unknown effects of the devices.

Click here to read the article and updates on Campus Safety’s website.

The full report on the Oxford investigation can be found here.

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