Would you consider this exit “readily distinguishable from the adjacent construction and finishes such that the doors are easily recognizable as doors”?

It’s that time of year again, when I finish up my last big projects (like my new class: Crash Course in Codes!), look back on what I accomplished, and get ready to start fresh after the holidays.  I hope that you will be safely spending some time with friends and family, and recharging your batteries to prepare for the new year.  Next week I have a short trip planned to the Sierra Chincua Monarch Sanctuary, where I’m going to enjoy the peace and quiet while trying not to fall off my horse.  There won’t be any doors from that trip to share on iDigHardware, but hopefully my readers (you!) will remember to send photos of any interesting doors seen in your travels.  Here’s one that Joe Phillips of Allegion sent me from their office’s holiday luncheon at a local restaurant.  –>

This week, I’ll be counting down the days by sharing some code-related resources that you can find here on iDigHardware.  If you have some quiet time over the next couple of weeks, you can check them out or even “re-gift” them to your colleagues.  😀

Today I’m celebrating the ACE Network – the gift that keeps on giving.  “What is the ACE Network?!” you may be asking.  ACE = Allegion Code Experts, and the network is a team of my coworkers who help answer code questions and provide support.  This group and I answer more than 7,500 code questions each year…I couldn’t possibly do it without them!

There are ACEs in each of our offices across the US and Canada, as well as in Dubai.  In addition to the training required to join this team, I update them monthly with new information about code changes and interpretations.  Because they are familiar with the state and local code requirements in their region, they are your best source of information when you have a question.  This group has a combined total of more than 1,000 YEARS of industry experience!!!

To reach our ACE Network, use the orange ball in the right sidebar to submit a code question – it will be forwarded to the ACE in your area.  Happy Holidays!!

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