Egress blocked by snowI know it’s July and probably not snowing where you are, but Deviant Ollam recently sent me these photos taken by Harrison Sobczyk, and I’m Wordless!  The building is located in Omaha, Nebraska, and back in January they had a big snowstorm.  Snow piled up in the fenced area and blocked the means of egress until Harrison and his coworkers cleared a path.

And if you’re wondering where in the codes it says that the means of egress has to be kept free of snow and ice (and other things that could affect the use of the egress route), here it is in the 2024 International Fire Code (IFC):

1032.2 Reliability. Required exit accesses, exits and exit discharges shall be continuously maintained free from obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency where the building area served by the means of egress is occupied. An exit or exit passageway shall not be used for any purpose that interferes with a means of egress.

Wishing all of you a safe July 4th weekend!

Egress blocked by snow

Egress blocked by snow   

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