The changing face of school security - an allegion podcast, guest Jermaine GallowayIn the next episode of Paul Timm’s podcast – The Changing Face of School Security, he talks with the Tall Cop, Jermaine Galloway, about substance abuse in schools.

S1 Ep. 17 Spotting the Signs: The Tall Cop on Substance Abuse Prevention

We are so excited to bring you our next episode featuring guest Jermaine Galloway, known nationally as the Tall Cop!

Through his nearly 20-year career as a police officer, Jermaine began providing training for substance abuse prevention, education and enforcement strategies. To date, the Tall Cop has trained more than 825,000 professional and community members.

Join us as Jermaine and Paul discuss his tactics for identifying potential substance abuse within schools and communities, and how he stays alert for new drugs that are coming to the market.

More highlights include:

  • The role of substance abuse in students’ mental health and the signs and behaviors to look out for
  • How schools can stay proactive and educate their students on substance abuse and the effects
  • And more!

Click here to listen to this episode of the podcast.

Who is Jermaine Galloway?

Jermaine Galloway, known nationally as the Tall Cop, is a former police officer with 20 years of experience in substance abuse prevention and education.

Connect with the guest:

Meet the host:

Paul Timm, Director of Education Safety for Allegion, is a board-certified Physical Security Professional (PSP), author of School Security: How to Build and Strengthen a School Safety Program, and a nationally acclaimed expert in physical security. He is also a member of PASS, CSC, ASIS International’s School Safety & Security Council and IASBO (Illinois Association of School Business Officials) Risk Management Committee.  Since 1999, Paul has conducted physical security assessments and provided technical assistance for clients nationwide and in Canada.

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