The Changing Face of School Security podcastIn the next episode of Paul Timm’s podcast – The Changing Face of School Security, he talks with Kevin Wren, school safety advocate with the Cook and Boardman Group, who delves into his experience and insights on school security and the major issues schools face today.

S1 Ep. 16 Proactive Protection: Kevin Wren’s Expert Insight on School Security

In this episode, our host Paul Timm catches up with Kevin Wren, a School Safety Advocate with The Cook & Boardman Group.

Kevin’s extensive background in school security began at age 15 as a student advocate in Georgia and evolved through roles as a school resource officer, firefighter and EMT, eventually leading school security and emergency management departments in South Carolina. He later went on to win the Campus Safety Director of the Year award in 2016.

Kevin discusses major topics and trends in school security today, including:

  • The importance of having a holistic school security management plan
  • Weapon-screening technology, AI surveillance and prioritizing the needs of your school over the latest tech trends
  • Behavioral threat management and the necessity of keeping doors locked

Click here to listen to this episode of the podcast.

Who is Kevin Wren?

Kevin Wren is a school safety advocate with the Cook and Boardman Group. He has an extensive background in school security and won the Campus Safety Director of the Year award in 2016.

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Meet the host:

Paul Timm, Director of Education Safety for Allegion, is a board-certified Physical Security Professional (PSP), author of School Security: How to Build and Strengthen a School Safety Program, and a nationally acclaimed expert in physical security. He is also a member of PASS, CSC, ASIS International’s School Safety & Security Council and IASBO (Illinois Association of School Business Officials) Risk Management Committee.  Since 1999, Paul has conducted physical security assessments and provided technical assistance for clients nationwide and in Canada.

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