Earlier this week, my Wordless Wednesday photos were from a church with amazing doors in Hidalgo, Mexico; today’s Fixed-it Friday photos were taken on the same trip.  Luckily, my kids have spent their entire lives taking detours during road trips to see random doors that I had heard about.  So just imagine the scene…we’re crammed in the car on the way to our hot springs mini-vacation, and I suddenly see a giant church in progress…they knew what was coming.

The crazy thing (to me) was that when I asked one of the construction workers if I could peek in the window opening, he told me to go in…“no pasa nada.”  So of course I walked right into the church under construction, wearing my safety gear of Birkenstocks and sunglasses, complimented the rest of the crew on their amazing workmanship, and wandered around to my heart’s content.

As the story goes, a figure of a santo niñito was found in a dry maguey (a giant agave plant) more than 300 years ago.  The chapel built to honor Santo Niño de Portezuelo is way too small for the tens of thousands who visit each year, so a fantastic (and giant) stone church is being built next door.  It has been under construction for more than 20 years, and it doesn’t have its doors yet, but I’m sharing it here anyway because they don’t build them like this any more!

I’ll go back and take more photos when the doors are in!  😀

Iglesia del Santo Niño de Portezuelo

Iglesia del Santo Niño de Portezuelo

Iglesia del Santo Niño de Portezuelo   Iglesia del Santo Niño de Portezuelo



From the photos below, you can get an idea of the scale of the new church compared to the current chapel.  Santo Niño’s going to have a very impressive new home…someday.

Iglesia del Santo Niño de Portezuelo

The workshop where the stonework happens…

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