Twelve years ago, I saw some beautiful doors in a cemetery and I wanted to share them on iDigHardware.  I didn’t know if it was appropriate to post photos of doors leading to tombs, so I contacted the cemetery administration and was assured that it was fine to share the photos with my readers.  A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the Mexican equivalent in San Miguel de Allende, so here’s a quick break from codes.

Each building has many small rooms, and there are at least 6 or 8 buildings, with more under construction:

The doors serving each room are of varying widths:


Each door has beautiful hand-carved figures:



What a beautiful final resting place where family members can come to celebrate Día de Muertos and other special days.


Have you seen any beautiful doors lately?  Send me some photos using the photo submission page (the “Submit Photos” link is on the Tools menu). 

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