This article from the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) shares the experience of Lauren Reese, a survivor of the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School.  Visit to download the PASS Guidelines and other valuable resources.


Partner Alliance for Safer Schools Logo“If you’re someone who hasn’t experienced something as traumatic as a school shooting, it’s surprising how vividly Lauren Reese remembers the morning of April 20, 1999. It began like any ordinary day, with her mother dropping her off at Columbine High School. She went to ceramics class and soon found herself covered in clay. Lauren always kept some spare change on hand to use the school’s pay phone, a routine she followed that day. She planned to call her mother, requesting permission to skip science class to clean up.

What happened next was far from routine. Lauren’s life took an unexpected turn around 11 a.m. while she made the usual call home. Suddenly, the sound of gunshots shattered the air, along with the frantic commotion of people fleeing. Looking up, she saw an assailant who aimed a sawed-off shotgun in her direction as he turned the corner.”

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