Last week, I posted some photos from my time in Stone Town, Zanzibar (WW and FF), and I have some more to share.  While traveling to and from Tanzania and Zanzibar, I visited airports in Queretaro, Mexico, Houston, Texas, Washington DC, Dublin, Ireland, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Arusha and Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, and in Zanzibar.  In each direction, the trip took us about 48 hours.  I saw a few interesting airport applications; I have another one to post on Friday, but here are a couple.

The signage here was confusing to me…what do you think?

Confusing airport signage

Confusing airport signage

I was curious about why these fire doors were not fully open…the L-shaped straps pivot on the bolts so the doors can be closed.

Fire doors left open

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