Over the weekend I will be in southern Italy…the Gulf of Naples, the Amalfi coast, the Isle of Capri…this is the life!


Many of my Fixed-it Friday posts show creative attempts at what-not-to-do, so as #6 in the Top-10 series I wanted to highlight another type of Fixed-it Friday post.

The photos in this post – FF: Communicating Door Closers, were sent to me by David Barbaree, who worked for a school district at the time.  David wrote about the problem he had been trying to solve, and sent multiple photos to illustrate a terrific solution.

What I really love about this is that readers are willing to take the time to help others who may be struggling with the same situation, or to answer questions about a particular issue.  This has grown into periodic posts where I ask you all for help – and you respond!  I have been posting these “WWYD?” questions since 2011!  What an amazing community we have created!

Here are some examples:

WWYD?  Gymnasium Egress

WWYD?  Back-to-Back Doors

WWYD?  Deadbolt + Mag-Lock

WWYD?  Gate Operator

WWYD?  Connecting Classroom Doors

And the post about communicating door closers is here: FF: Communicating Door Closers

Thanks to all who are willing to share their insight and experience!

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