Tim Chow sent me today’s Fixed-it Friday photo of a pair of doors with access control, and I can’t figure out what those little wires are for. Any ideas?
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Tim Chow sent me today’s Fixed-it Friday photo of a pair of doors with access control, and I can’t figure out what those little wires are for. Any ideas?
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Hold the plates, when the doors are opened?? As in the plates are not mounted to anything???
To keep the unit from falling and hurting someone.
Looks Korean.
Looks like aircraft cable attached to the mag lock body and the door frame. So if the mag lock falls off, it won’t hit anyone in the head.
My guess is the wires / cables are there to prevent the plate from flexing too far if someone tries to force the doors open, the plates will only flex as far as the wires will stretch keeping the doors “secured”. Remember, just a guess…
of course, assuming those are mag locks
From the EXIT sign, this appears to possibly be Hong Kong.
Those look like tethers or braces to reinforce the mag locks if they are bolted to potentially old and weak jambs. With this additional strengthening, pulling on the opposite side won’t tweak the mag locks and pull them off or out of the jamb.
That’s my guess anyway.
My guess is the frame is not very robust. The cables are there to resist the bottom of the frame mounted half of the mag lock from rotating if someone gets aggressive in pulling on the door.
That is a wood door frame and based on the quality of the work around it I doubt its a hardwood like oak. I strongly suspect the cables are to assist the maglock screws from ripping out of the soft wood frame. They purposely brought the cables back on a diagonal which increases strength but its to bad they did not pull them tight when they screwed them in. Its kind of a belts and suspenders approach but with weak suspenders.