Hal Kelton of DOORDATA Solutions sent me today’s Fixed-it Friday photos, taken in a school.  At first glance you might be thinking that the door shouldn’t be disguised by the mural/decal, but this is the access side of the door, not the egress side.  From a code standpoint, I don’t see a problem with the door being hidden, but I think it would be pretty confusing if this door is intended to be used to enter the space.

One issue I do see is that this is a fire door assembly (Hal told me), and I have not seen any decals or films that are listed for use on a fire door; if you have seen any, leave a comment!  I don’t know of any fire door listings that prohibit painting a fire door, so I don’t think a painted mural would void any listings.

The other problem is one of my pet peeves…why is the closer on the most visible side of the door??

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