<– Remember this little troublemaker?  This picture is from the post where I talked about the day of her kindergarten graduation when we played hookey and went to the science museum (and looked at doors, of course!).

It’s hard to believe, but today’s she’s graduating from high school – WOOHOO!  I’ll be playing hookey again, but first, here’s today’s Fixed-it Friday post:

I saw the doors in today’s post in the restroom of a popular restaurant in Nashville.  The sign stating “please exit slowly” caught my eye, because although it may not have been a code violation, I’m assuming that there had been past incidents that led to the addition of the sign.

Near the lever, there were instructions for locking the door – “please turn knob to lock.”  The knob they were referring to was the turn button in the lever – turning this button would lock or unlock the outside lever.

But there’s something important to note here, which IS actually in conflict with the codes and standards.

First, operating the turn button would require tight grasping, pinching, and twisting of the wrist, which is not allowed by the accessibility standards nor by the model code requirements addressing egress.

Second, when the turn button has been turned to lock the door, it has to be turned in the other direction to unlock the door before the lever can be used to retract the latch.  As the model codes require one motion to unlatch the door, this hardware – which requires two motions (not to mention the tight grasping/pinching/twisting) would not be considered code-compliant.

Happy Fixed-it Friday!


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