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The fourth class in this series covers the code requirements for electrified hardware. If you do not see the video embedded below, you may access the video for this on-demand presentation by clicking here.

To refer back to the information on this page you can use the direct link (idighardware.com/decoded-class-4), but please do not share the link as I would like to keep track of who takes the class by asking everyone to register first.

Exercise: Click here for a 10-question quiz that covers some of the topics in this class.

Practice: If you would like some extra practice, you can download an additional exercise here.

Crosswords:  If you have taken all 4 of the Decoded classes, try these crossword puzzles!  Part 1Part 2

Articles:  Links to electrified hardware articles on iDigHardware.

Presentation: PDF of Powerpoint slides with space to take notes.

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