My youngest daughter graduated from kindergarten today, so we played hookey and took her to the Museum of Science. I didn’t forget about y’all though. Here are a few photos from the trip.
On the entrance and exit doors for the Butterfly Garden, strong fans have been installed above the doors to blow the butterflies away when the doors are opened. The door position switches aren’t as pretty as the butterflies though.
This naked closer is missing two of its screws and the other two are not original. I’d bring them a new snap-on cover, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t fit over the bolts.
You don’t see these too often nowadays. Anybody know why not?
I had never seen one of these before…am I the only one who’s been living under a rock?
The Colby Gun and Trophy Room has beautiful doors…the Elephant Doors from the Palace of the Sultan of Witu in modern-day Kenya. They’re 10 feet high and 4″ thick, and the spikes are to prevent elephants from butting the doors in with their heads. Yikes!
And finally…What’s wrong with this cafeteria exit?
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What is wrong with cafeteria doors?
Well if one bar is vertical rod, then the other either is just a big push switch or latches onto the other door. I am guessing the left door as seen is active and it begs what controls the maglock. It also begs to know what coordinates the doors so they will close and actively latch. (Assuming they are 45 minute doors.)
Other issue is the vertical rod only goes up. The LBR option would be to have a ‘plug’ to fire out in response to heat near the bottom but its on the edge so would not show.
Am I first to comment?? If so, I should get a prize!! How about free food at this cafeteria for a year!
Yes, you are the first to comment and for your prize I will buy you lunch at this cafeteria the next time you’re in Boston.
I will eat the left half of the menu and you know it.
Let a few others comment and tell us the door problems in a day or 3.
Hello Lori,
looks like y ou and Norah had fun at the museum, i love places of history like this!. you never know what you may see that may not even be part of an exhibit (butterfly on the Yale closer)
as for the LCN 4041 closer, i have seen this way of mounting (mounted with spring tube towards hinges and uses bolts instead of the screws, has 2 screws holding it on and is NAKED) due to clearance between body of a closer and the cover, those bolts even at thickness of nut the cover will have a space between the surface of the door and the cover. from looking a tthe rust on the arm and possible on body, this one is mounted on the weather side of the door (i also see the green dial appears it will fall off soon, as i do notice it appears to be broken where it holds onto the end of the spring tube)
the FUSIBLE LINK HOLD OPEN, even though these work by melting and releasing at a certain temp (180º?) (this one appears to be on an LCN (large knuckle of arm, dead giveaway to the brand, hehe) they are not common anymore because they don’t release in the area that dont have a fire yet, causing a fire to spread faster then a building that has magnetic hold-opens that release when fire alarm sounds/power turns off.
also after this melts or breaks, a new fusible link has to be installed and is not the easiest for many to “reset” a magnetic hold open they reset as soon as power is restored to the electrical circuit they are connected to.
speaking of this door, i see an arm that looks like its for the an OHC closer (LCN 204-206??) 2 closers+1 door= extra strong or is the second closer (one with hold open link) in place to still enable the door to close due to a possible broken spring in the concealed unit??
as for the weird thing on the one door, this may be the stud part of a magnetic hold open, appears maybe the way its installed, the user maybe opted for one with a longer reach stem to b able to reach the electromagnet.
also possible if there’s no electromagnet on the wall, this may be some form of mechanical doorstop to prevent the door from opening too far (somewhat like them door bumper things seen on baseboards and on hinges in new homes) but on a much larger scale.
elephant doors, those look like something you would find on some creepy dungeon in a castle somewhere, but does make sense to keep elephants out.
-Jess the door closer doctor
Jess; Isn’t tube toward hinges on pull side the correct way to mount the 4041?
Bolts excluded of course! Set main arm 100 degrees to tube set forearm 90 deg. to door?
If you have a way that performs better I,m a willing student.
Dave, yes, spring tube towards hinges is proper way to install the LCN 4041/4040XP on the pull side of a door,
reason I said what I said in my comment, I don’t get out much and when I do, most closers i see are on push side of their doors or are another brand (body of which is similar to the Falcon SC-71, aluminum alloy body and uses a regular arm)that allows spring tube away from hinge when mounting on pull side. (the mounting holes on this brand are countersunk on both sides, I guess so you can install it with spring tube facing hinges or facing away..)
there is a way in theory that you can put a 40401/4040xp on a door and have tube face away from hinge, but the only problem is, the arm travel, the arm would have to rotate towards the hinge and it would not be able to effectively control the door (more less have backcheck cushioning) also limits the maximum door opening angle, and not recommended.
example of this:
(as you may notice, I left my comments in this video (JLD902) Mattyeah101 is one of my friends, whom I found because of youtube/door closers)
the last time I did see a naked 4041 installed on pull side of door (spring tube faces hinge)was at a movie theater when I was about 12, I went to see “jingle all the way” one year and my grandmother took me to the bathroom, she seen this, she thought it was (of all things) a security camera! (well, I guess they can look like some old style security camera, the kind with the long lenses on front of them) I thought it was funny since I knew it wasn’t a camera but grandmother thought it was.
-Jess the door closer doctor
If these are these are 45 Minute fire doors, The decorative plates shouldn’t be allowed correct?
Did they have an astragal too? auh no, no.
I agree with everything Martin said about the cafeteria. Without doing a physical inspection in person, there are some mysteries that remain.
As for the hold open that you don’t see many of anymore, I have never seen one!
I’m thinking that it’s a hold open closer with a heat link that melts and allows the doors to close. If I am on the right track, then it would close too late to do any good. Am I right??
As for that universal swivel for the Mag hold open, I’m under a rock too. I can think of a few places I could use that puppy!!
Where are the closers for the cafeteria doors? I really hope they don’t have spring hinges! Egad.
I think they’re on the opposite side of the door, which is where they belong in this case. One of the other doors had the nice armor plates and the closers on the public side – one of my pet peeves.
LBR rated devices must be ordered and used in pairs.
Mortise device x LBR vertical rod is not allowed for fire rated doors.
Cafeteria doors
I love exit doors that have signs ” do not use ”
There is a card swipe or swipe key for the left door, appears so the alarm will not sound when the door is opened
Seen similar door holder devices, the one shown swivels all over the place
Congrats to your daughter, I hear kindergarten is tougher now a days
So what degree did your daughter graduate with?? “”kindergarten door closers with a minor in hardware??
She is not all that interested in hardware or doors…I’m hoping my son is so IR can help me out with his education.
Kindergarten IS a lot tougher…she’s reading, writing (making up her own spelling), adding double-digit numbers (including “carry-the-1”). I don’t remember doing any of that in kindergarten. And she does it all in Spanish as well. I think her degree was in Troublemaking with a double-minor in Sibling Rivalry and Parent Torture.
My guess on the cafeteria door is that it is missing the blue pull station to release the mag lock.
This is what I observed on the cafeteria doors.
Desks and chairs obstruct the area space for emergency exit. The left hand door does not have positive latching. With any movement, the motion detector could release the mag, and the area at that moment would be unsecured.
FYI: I have been here and seen this door in person.
I think that the “maglock” thingy is actually a different type of door sensor.
I also saw someone walk through the door and the alarm went off.