Yesterday I posted some photos from the hotel where I am attending the BHMA spring meetings, and today’s Fixed-it Friday photos show another application in the same hotel.

Below is the door to my hotel room.  I immediately noticed that there was no “do not disturb” hanger to put on the corridor-side lever.  Instead, there were two buttons next to the door on the room side, with the options of “privacy” and “make up room.”

Pushing the privacy button illuminated a red light on the corridor-side room number plate, and pushing the make up room button illuminated a green light.  The round button on the number plate was a doorbell (how civilized!), which was silenced in privacy mode.

Maybe I’ve been living under a rock, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this system on one of my hotel room doors.  How about you?  Is this a new trend in hospitality?


Room number

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