Lori Greene Manager, Codes and Resources – Allegion

In February 2022, one of the most devastating fires in New York City’s history occurred in a 19-story, 120-unit apartment building in the Bronx, killing 17 people and injuring 44. Reports confirm that the fire began in an apartment, where an electric space heater ignited a mattress; the open apartment door allowed smoke to spread. The fire department and other emergency services arrived on scene quickly, but they found residents throughout the building suffering from smoke inhalation.

Unfortunately, fires in multi-family residential buildings are not uncommon. The February fire in New York City is a reminder of the importance of code-compliant fire door assemblies and the need for enforcement of the fire door inspections mandated by current codes and standards.

In this Q&A feature with Facility Executive, Lori Greene, Manager of Codes and Resources at Allegion, offers educated insight around the importance of fire doors in multifamily facilities, illustrating the impact with real-world examples, referencing codes and offering tips to facility managers to ensure compliance.

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