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We know we should close the bedroom door before we go to sleep ("Close Before You Doze"), but it doesn't always happen.
Several months ago I posted about a new product that was getting a lot of attention; the product is called LifeDoor, and it is designed to close a door in response to the sound of a smoke detector.
Joel Sellinger of LifeDoor sent me these photos of the bedroom door in an AirBNB, along with a note that said, "When you realize the importance of a closed door at night...but can’t!"
Someone recently asked me...if residential bedroom doors do such a great job of keeping the fire out, why bother with fire doors? What's the difference?
So let's say that I'm thinking about renting out my college-bound daughter's bedroom on Airbnb to help offset the cost of her books and fees. Does her bedroom door need to be a fire door? Is my house now a small hotel?
You have all heard me talk about how important it is to sleep with your bedroom door closed at night - to benefit from the protection provided by a closed door. I've been writing about fire doors on iDigHardware for 9 YEARS(!), trying to inform as many people as possible about the purpose of fire doors, why they need to be closed and latched when a fire occurs, and what is involved with an annual fire door inspection.