Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I’m a helper.  I like to help.  I’m always organizing collection efforts for one thing or another, donating items for our local schools, pitching in when I can.  There are so many people in need, and if we all help a little, the world will be a better place for everyone.

Recently I was talking to one of my coworkers about how I could use the blog to help people.  I know the site helps to educate and entertain, but I think it can help in a more direct and personal way too.  Today we’ll find out if I’m right.

I received an email this morning from an architect I’ve worked with for more than 20 years, regarding 13-year-old Mikaela and the struggles she and her family are facing.  I know that we can all identify with desperately wanting to help someone we love.  My experience last year with my daughter’s diagnosis of Graves Disease and the subsequent thyroidectomy were much less serious than what Mikaela is going through, but it gave me some insight into what it’s like to have a sick child.  I hope that some of you will help this family by making a donation and/or sharing a link to her story on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, via email, or any other way you can spread the word.  Here’s Marty’s email:


I have a cousin, Mike Sienkiewicz. Mike lives here in Burlington with his wife Heather, daughter Mikaela and son Luke. You may wonder why my cousin would spell his name with an icz when I spell mine with a ycz…..Well the story goes, when my dad’s brother was born they spelled his name wrong on his birth certificate, no one paid any attention to this until he joined the army, from that day on this one person in a very large family spelled his last name different than everyone else in the family.

Mike works for SD Ireland, some of you may know him.  His 13 year old daughter, Mikaela is waiting for a liver and kidney transplant. She has been in the hospital in Philadelphia since before Thanksgiving waiting for a match. I will get right to the point of this email, there is a fund raising drive to help this family offset the costs of this huge and difficult event. The goal of the drive is to raise $150,000, many people have donated and helped to raise $94,194 so far.

I am sending this email to try and help in some small way and ask that you donate to this local and worthy cause. The link below will get you to a site that goes into detail on Mikaela’s situation and has a mechanism to make a donation.

I can’t thank you enough for anything you can offer.  Marty

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