Hello! I’m Lori Greene, and I worked with many architects, AHJs, and others in New England when I was a hardware specifier in the Boston area. Some of you may remember the original name of my website, which is now called iDigHardware.com. 🙂 I’m excited to be teaching this class on behalf of the New England Chapter of DHI. Don’t miss it!
Interactive training session:
Code update on swinging doors,
with a focus on
special locking arrangements
(with AIA and ICC continuing education credit!)
Click here to view the invitation.
Who: The New England Chapter of DHI is offering this free class for architects, code officials, and other invited guests.
What: A 2-hour code update with Lori Greene on egress, fire protection, and accessibility for swinging doors, offering 2 AIA HSW credits and .2 ICC PPP points.
Where: John B. Hynes Veterans, Memorial Convention Center, Exhibit Hall C & Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium, 900 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts
When: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Why: Keeping up with the changes to the model codes and referenced standards can be tough, especially when it comes to a complex topic like door openings. This interactive class is a great way to find out what’s new, to help ensure that the applicable fire, life safety, and accessibility requirements are met on current and upcoming projects.
Registration for this class is FREE (until sold out), and includes free admission to the exhibit hall at the DHI conNextions conference.
Space is limited, so register today:
1. Go to this URL to begin the registration process: https://events.american-tradeshow.com/dhiconNextions23
2. If you are a DHI member, enter your member ID and name. If you are not a DHI member, select “Non-Member Registration”.
3. On the registration page, fill out the required fields and select the access level of “Exhibit Hall Access Only” (it will show a $35 charge but you will enter a coupon code in Step 5).
4. Fill out pages 2-4 including contact and demographic information.
5. On the payment page, enter the promo code of ARCHITECT23 and your payment should go from $35 to $0.
6. Check the box to agree to the polices, and complete the registration to register for the class and exhibit hall access. If you have any trouble registering, contact Bill Lawliss for help.