In the Olden Days, it was tough to figure out what changed from one edition of the model codes to the next. It was even trickier when a jurisdiction skipped an edition (or two, or three) in their code adoption process.
Last week someone asked me about information addressing code changes for door openings between the 2018 and 2024 editions of the International Building Code (IBC), as their jurisdiction had skipped the 2021 edition. Thanks to BHMA, the answer was easy!
I pointed him to the BHMA Codes in Context documents for the I-Codes – there is one set covering the changes from 2018 to 2021, and another for 2021 to 2024. There is also a spreadsheet showing the changes from one edition to the next, starting with the 2012 codes. These documents are also available for NFPA 101, including a brand new Codes in Context summary report and focus documents for the changes made to the 2024 edition of NFPA 101.
You can download these resources (and more) on BHMA’s website – On the Resources menu of their site, you will find a page for the Codes, Government, and Industry Affairs (CGIA) Committee, the Codes in Context page with summary and focus documents for the 2021 and 2024 model codes and the spreadsheets of 2012-2024 code changes, and additional information like technical bulletins and accessibility requirements.
We’re working on some more great code resources, so watch iDigHardware and the BHMA website for updates!
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Spectacular resource, Lori! Thanks for sharing this!
Great Refence, Thank you for posting this