Although the daily visits in the fall of 2019 (the orange line) dwarf the stats from 2010 (the blue line), you can still see the spike (in the green circle) that occurred on October 7, 2010 when my daughter had surgery.
Many people have emailed, called, or messaged me to ask how I’m doing – especially since I am living outside of the US where the infrastructure and medical care may be perceived by some to be less reliable. The recent questions about my wellbeing made me think about October 7th, 2010. That was the day that my 4-year-old (now 13) had surgery to remove her thyroid because she had Graves Disease. It was a time of crisis for me and for the rest of my family.
After my daughter’s surgery was over and she woke up from the anesthesia and asked for pancakes, I spent a very long night at her bedside. At some point I checked on iDigHardware, and was stunned to see a huge spike in visitors that day. I couldn’t believe it – people came to the site to see if there was any news about my daughter, or just because they were thinking of me.
That’s when I realized that this is more than just me “creating content” – it’s a community of real people who share information, and who support each other and the industry. I’m a connector – I love to meet people and find out what they’re all about, and to connect someone who has a need with someone who might be able to fill it. The role that I’ve created is really a dream job for me – I have a purpose and I feel like I make a difference. By sharing information through iDigHardware, we all make positive contributions to the industry and to public safety.
I know that for many of us, our world today looks a lot different than it did a couple of weeks ago. Schools are closed here, and my daughter is home from the University of Tennessee. The current advice is to stay in the house and/or away from other people as much as possible, so we’ve been doing that. Fortunately, we have access to food and other supplies, and I have been working at home for years, so we’re ok.
I also know that many people are struggling, for various reasons. I won’t list them – we all know what difficulties and worries we have personally. I don’t know how long the current situation will last or what things will look like when we come out on the other side. BUT – what I do know is that staying connected to each other will help. Yesterday I noticed that when I talked to someone on the phone or via video conferencing, I felt less isolated, less stressed.
For many of us, work has slowed down – to a dull roar as my mother would say. This gives us a chance to catch up and maybe even work on some projects that we haven’t had time for. I have seen SO MANY online opportunities – classes on exercise, dance, language, art, tours of museums and zoos, authors reading kids’ books, and teachers leading science experiments. We have the technology to stay connected and yes – even productive.
So my question is this…what can I do to help you?
You may be thinking that codes and door hardware are the last things you want to think about when you’re facing weeks in the house and toilet paper is in short supply, but let’s give it a try! I have the panic hardware webinar coming up on April 16th, and the recorded one about classroom security already available on the webinars page. We are working on other ways to move training that would normally be done in person, online.
What else would be helpful? I need some ideas!
Stay safe and healthy, people. And if it helps to just connect with other iDH readers by writing in the reply box and telling us how you’re doing or what you’re up to, that would be great too. I’d love to hear from you.
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After this there will probably be a surge in the “sanitary coatings” some door hardware has available. Do you have more information about what products offer this, which ones are effective, and which ones are more of a “consumer trap” (not predatory business practices, but things that might have it but don’t need it).
I always see those options in catalog pages, but until now it has never been in the forefront of my mind.
Matt, there are some products in the market that utilize “coatings” that are supposed to provide anti-microbial protection, others are manufactured from copper based alloys. I believe the science shows the copper alloy to provide superior protection. Look at Trimco’s “Healthy Hardware Line”. These products are manufactured from “CuVerro” copper based alloys with are shown to kill corona based viruses within minutes from fingertip contact. I find it ironic that years ago hardware with brass and bronze finishes contained copper, as did most water lines to our homes, only now to have been largely replaced with shiney stainless steel finishes and our plumbing replaced with plastic. In essence, we’ve done this to ourselves. Perhaps this episode will change the way we think.
The products you mentioned only have antibacterial properties, it does not mention viruses. I did more searching online after looking into what you mentioned, and there does not appear to be a hardware material or coating yet that is anti-viral across any brand. They all mention the anti-bacterial properties only.
Matt Gannon
see attached link
I hate to see all levels of education suffer, and possibly lose time. My daughter is in a tough college class, trying to do a career change.
I know she needs face to face teaching and consistent learning to pass.
For me, with doing about five jobs, I have continuing ed I have worked on,,,
Plus tuned out the news and tuned into music my daughter listens to!!
I am liking the music and finally figured out some of the current artists!!!
Hi Charles –
I’m not sold on the music yet. My daughters have made 8 bazillion Tik Toks so far, and I think I’ve been forced to watch each one at least 3 times!
– Lori
Are the webinars free?
Yes they are!
– Lori
I really appreciate this site and I reference it all the time. I’m glad you’re family is safe and healthy.
Here’s something that might be helpful to the trades overall. You have a lot of content for designers and also a lot of examples lousy installations or hardware fixes. I would love to see some webinars and other educational information on good vs bad installations or even some showing the results of specs vs detailing errors. Designers and builders would benefit from examples showing it takes more than good products and spec writers to get a solid quality door assembly. It requires ongoing collaboration and detailed coordination throughout a construction project between architects, security consultants. hardware spec writers, Div 8 & 28 distribution detailers, contractors, door/hardware installers, and integration teams. This requires A LOT of attention and follow up. I believe these trades also need QC inspections and reports to “commission” the project. Mechanical systems have specific contractors that follow a new installation to make sure everything is working as designed. Door assemblies are also facility mechanisms that have moving parts. I think we could use a discussion about that whole topic.
Just my two cents…. 🙂
I am a new inspector fresh off the college boat. I started off my new career by moving 100 miles away to accept a position with a fire department as a Fire Inspector. Right now for me normalcy is the most lacking thing in my life. Day to day life is changing. Hourly updates are quickly becoming the new norm. Simply taking a look at your site is apart of my daily routine (when I have time) and it has been a point of normalcy for me.
As a new inspector seeing these photos and reading the discussions it is providing me with a point of view otherwise unobtainable. It is not often I come across a door that is shocking enough to post on here, but I think of you and this site every time I look at exiting during my inspection. It is a pleasant reminder to keep everyone safe and to not become complacent with our doors. Thank you for all that you do.
Hi Skylar –
I’m so glad the site is helpful for you! I hope things get back to normal for you (and all of us) soon, so you can focus on your new career!
– Lori
Which state are you in???
Charles, I am in California.
If you were closer could maybe help you.
Anyway plenty of help there
Also join
Great resource and Calif people on it