Tim Chow sent me today’s Fixed-it Friday photo of a pair of doors with access control, and I can’t figure out what those little wires are for. Any ideas?
Comments: 9
If you have been reading iDigHardware for a long time, this 1943 LCN ad from Architectural Record might remind you of a story that one of my own kids wrote back in 2010 – she’s now 23 years old!
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An AHJ sent me this photo from a fire door in a health care facility, and as you can see, a portion of the fire door label is missing. Check out what makes this a great Wordless Wednesday example…
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UL has recently updated an article that will be helpful when conducting a search for product listings in UL Product IQ. Check out today’s post for an example of how to use this directory.
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In past posts I’ve mentioned a valuable resource offered by BHMA, called Codes in Context. Today’s post highlights an update to the 2024 edition of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code.
Dave Cox sent me today’s Fixed-it Friday photos from his trip to Ireland – I love to see everyone’s vacation photos, so send them along!
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I need help with this question: When is a low energy automatic operator required by a code or standard to have standby power, to allow it to operate automatically during a power failure?
Comments: 5
Jim McDonald of TCH Co., Inc. sent me today’s Wordless Wednesday “before” photo, of an existing opening that was replaced with a code-compliant door, frame, and hardware. How many problems do you see?
Comments: 4
In the next episode of Paul Timm’s podcast – The Changing Face of School Security, he talks with the Jason Stoddard, Director of School Safety and Security for the Charles County Public Schools.